Tag: Los Angeles

  • 7 Reasons Why I Am Supporting Pittsburgh Art Car 2015

    7 Reasons Why I Am Supporting Pittsburgh Art Car 2015

    mwfa-art-car-tourIt is an honor to support the IndieGoGo campaign for Pittsburgh Art Car 2015.  Jason and Nina Sauer are two incredible Pittsburghers who run the art gallery Most Wanted Fine Art in Garfield.  They have just launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise $7000 to take a group of Pittsburgh artists on a tour of the US this spring.

    Here are 7 reasons why I am happy to support the Pittsburgh Art Car project…

    1. USA, Meet Seven Pittsburgh Artists

    A Great Project that takes some of the best of Pittsburgh to the rest of the USA. You can watch the video to learn more about the details.

    2. Most Wanted Fine Art Really Saved Christmas

    Jason and Nina Sauer are AWESOME, inspiring Pittsburghers who make this city a better place.  Remember back in December how we helped with an emergency toy drive? All of that was started by Jason and Nina.  As soon as they heard about the toy shortage, they graciously offered up Most Wanted Fine Art as a spot to collect toys. What started as a small toy drive, snowballed into a massive effort that literally took over the gallery for four days before Christmas.  Prior to the #PghSavesXmas Toy Drive, I had only stopped into the gallery a few times during the monthly art walk.  The day we started the toy drive, I met Nina at the gallery and I was truely inspired by her spirit and willingness to do whatever it took to make sure every kid in Pittsburgh had a toy for Christmas.

    3.  Mozelle Thompson, Shaft and Most Wanted Fine Art

    Flyer for the Mozelle Thompson retrospective held at Most Wanted Fine Art in November 2014
    Flyer for the Mozelle Thompson retrospective held at Most Wanted Fine Art in November 2014

    Most Wanted Fine Art is a great gallery.  The last art show I saw there was The Album Art of Mozelle Thompson in November 2014.  This exhibit was curated by J. Malls who is an icredible Pittsburgh DJ and very knowledgeable about records.  Not only was this exhibit visually interesting, but a fascinating lesson in Pittsburgh history.  Mozelle Thompson was an illustrator who was born in Pittsburgh and designed over 100 album, magazine and book covers. Including the cover to the first edition of the detective novel Shaft, by Ernest Tidyman. Take a few moments to learn more about Mozelle Thompson here, here, here and here.

    4. Help Put More Pittsburgh Stories on the Road

    In 2013, thanks to the generosity of the readers of this blog, I was a “passenger” on the Millennial Trains Project.  MTP is a 10-day, cross country train trip of young leaders, movers, shakers and innovators.  One of my biggest takeaways from the experience is that Pittsburgh MUST do a better job of going out and taking the Pittsburgh story to the people.  I am happy to support projects like this that make it possible to take Pittsburgh to people outside of Pittsburgh.  Read more about what I brought back from my train trip here.

    5. Travel Brings Inspiring Ideas Back to Pittsburgh

    There are cities all across this country that are struggling with some of the same issues that Pittsburgh is trying to figure out…

    • How do we make better neighborhoods?
    • How do we make streets safer for pedestrians?
    • What does it take to make great street tacos?
    • What do protected bike lanes really look like?
    • Can we really have a great public market?
    • What makes a great local coffee shop?

    From serious community issues, to not-so-serious-unless-you-are-a-foodie issues the more Pittsburghers that go out and see how other cities are tackling these problems, the more ideas for solutions we can bring to Pittsburgh.

    Last week, the Atlantic published For a More Creative Brain, Travel.  While this article focuses on international travel, I think that many of these same ideas can apply to travel around the US.

    6. More than Art, General Contracting & Job Training

    Last spring, inspired by my participation in the Millennial Trains Project, I attended the StartingBloc fellowship in Los Angeles, CA.  One of the speakers during the 5 day program was Kabira Stokes, founder of Isidore Recycling.  Isidore is a business that recycles e-wastes and hires people who were previously incarcerated.  After the fellowship program, I went to take a tour of the Isidore Recycling warehouse.  Located just around the corned from Isisdore, is Homeboy Industries, another Los Angeles organization that works to help provide job training and opportunities to those who were previously incarcerated.  Visiting Isidore Recycling and Homeboy Industries was an eye opening experience for me into just how difficult it is to get a job if you have spent time in jail.

    What does my trip to Los Angeles have to do with Most Wanted Fine Art? In addition to running an art gallery, Most Wanted Fine Art runs a contracting business that provides job training to young men who were previously incarcerated.  If you are in need of a general contractor, please consider Most Wanted Fine Art Contracting.

    7. Art Cars & Demolition Derby

    Last, but certainly not least on this list of reasons to support the MWFA IndieGoGo campaign… who doesn’t love a project that involves a demolition derby.  I think I first read about “art cars” many years ago in the Pittsburgh City Paper or Pittsburgh’s other alt-weekly at the time Pulp. I believe there was a woman in Pittsburgh who had glued objects all over her car.  A few years ago, Pittsburgh Art Car popped up and I have been following online and on the street.  Since 1995, Jason Sauer has been painting art on a car, takes the art car to the Great Stonesboro Fair and then creates art out of the demolished car.

    Bonus: Super Cool Perks

    From beer koozies & t-shirts to souvenirs from the road.  The MWFA crew has put together some impressive perks to say thank you for your contribution to their trip.

    Check out Pittsburgh Blogger Sue Kerr’s Huffington Post article about MWFA’s IndieGoGo campaing, Community Art and Demolition Derby.

    Follow: @PghArtCar and @MostWantedArt for updates

    Pitt-Starter is our occasional series on local Kickstarter and Crowdfunding campaigns that support Pittsburgh organizations and businesses.  Check out our past Pitt-Starter posts here. Have a crowdfunding campaign that you would like to share?  Tell us about it on Twitter with the #Pittstarter

  • E-waste, Jobs Creation & The Green Electronics Challenge

    E-waste, Jobs Creation & The Green Electronics Challenge

    Since today is Earth Day, it is the perfect day for me to share a couple of green related things that I have been talking over the past month.  I hope you will take a moment to read through this post and learn more about the e-waste and Isidore recycling.

    Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 23, 2014 – TechShop will be hosting a launch party for the Green Electronics Challenge.  See below for the details on the Green Electronics Challenge Competition

    Green Electronics Challenge Launch Party Details:

    • When: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 – 6:30-8:30pm
    • Where: TechShop Pittsburgh
    • Cost: FREE – but you must RSVP here.

    I am excited to share this event with you for two reasons…

    1. Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Demo

    TechShop staff testing out the liquid nitrogen ice cream recipe
    TechShop staff testing out the liquid nitrogen ice cream recipe

    First – as part of the kickoff celebration, the TechShop team will be making and serving ice cream made with liquid nitrogen.  If you haven’t been over to TechShop, yet – you need to make a point of stopping by to see the space.  I wrote about TechShop last year before they opened.  TechShop has been in Pittsburgh for over a year and there is a great, often free, community event happening at the shop each week.  (I am such a fan of the place that I now work there as the social media coordinator for TechShop Pittsburgh).

    I was at TechShop last night for a great event organized by the Pittsburgh health coaches at Sweat and Butter, and got a sneak peek at some of the projects that TechShop will be showing off this week and in the near future.  Keep an eye on @TechShopPGH and the TechShop Pittsburgh Facebook page for update.

    2. E-waste Excitement (and Opportunity)

    Last month, I attended a fellowship program in social entrepreneurship called StartingBloc in Los Angeles.  StartingBloc is a 5 day intensive workshop where people who are interested in building better communities come together to share ideas and listen to speakers from around the globe.  (I would LOVE to see more Pittsburghers participate in future StartingBloc programs!)

    One of the speakers that I found most inspiring was Kabira Stokes who is the founder of Isidore Recycling.  Isidore Recycling is an e-waste recycling business located in Los Angeles.  Kabira’s talk was an eye opening lesson on the need for (and huge opportunity) in e-waste recycling.

    Kabira showed me some of the more vintage electronics that Isidore recycles
    Kabira shows off some of the items that are donated to Isidore Recycling

    The short version of the story is that we have a lot of electronics that we aren’t using anymore, and these electronics are just being thrown in the trash.  Some of things in TVs, cell phones, and old computers are pretty toxic and should not be disposed of in landfills.   Aside from the environmental issues, many of the devices contain valuable materials that can be recycled and reclaimed.

    Kabira started Isidore Recycling as a way to reclaim those valuable materials and create jobs for incarcerated Angelenos who face barriers to employment.  California has a a huge issue with  recidivism – in 2012, 65% of people who got out of prison ended up going back to prison with in 3 years.  Part of the reason that rate is so high is that is almost impossible for someone who has been incarcerated to find steady employment.

    Kabira was kind enough to give me and some of the other StartingBloc participants a tour of the Isidore warehouse.  I left her warehouse and Los Angeles and returned to Pittsburgh with a great excitement for e-waste.  

    I think this is an incredible business that not only addresses the challenge of what to do with old computers and cell phones, but also creates jobs in our community with out having to create more products to add to the waste stream.  I am very interested in creating a business like Isidore Recycling here in Pittsburgh and if you know anyone else who would like to help with that please send them my way.

    What is the Green Electronics Challenge?

    It would be great to have some ideas from Pittsburgh submitted to the challenge.  Please let us know if you are submitting an idea!

  • Discounted Tickets for Banff Mountain Film Fest this Sunday!

    Discounted Tickets for Banff Mountain Film Fest this Sunday!

    BMFFPoster2013If you are a lover of the outdoors or a lover of outdoor documentary films – you don’t want to miss the Banff Mountain Film Festival which will be stopping in Pittsburgh this weekend.  Hosted by Venture Outdoors this is a great chance to check out the best in outdoor films and to support Venture Outdoors programming.

    This is the view of the Los Angeles river from behind my hotel in Studio City, CA
    This is the view of the Los Angeles river from behind my hotel in Studio City, CA

    Even if you don’t consider yourself an outdoor lover – I think you will enjoy these films – which include some spectacular cinematography.  I’ll admit that I didn’t think I would like outdoor films, but after attending Banff a few years ago, I have attended the Fly Fishing Film Festival and the Paddling Film Festival last year.  I am still talking about the Los Angeles River documentary that was screened at the paddling film festival.

    Banff Mountain Film Festival Pittsburgh Screenings

    • Saturday, April 5, 2014 – 7pm
    • Sunday, April 6, 2014- 5pm

    Tickets range from $14-$20. Click here to purchase tickets through ShowClix.

    [use code IHEARTPGH To save 10% on Sunday tickets]

    Banff After Party at The Porch

    porchI want to invite everyone to head over to the Porch following the Saturday night screening for a little after party and a chance to learn more about Venture Outdoors.  I will be there, along with several other Venture Outdoors board members and staff.  (If you are interested in getting more involved with Venture Outdoors – please let me know – we are always looking for volunteers, trip leaders and new board members).

    Banff After Party 
    Saturday, April 5, 2014 9:30pm-11pm
    The Porch at Schenley Park
    Free to attend – cash bar
    RSVP on Facebook

    Banff Mountain Film Festival Trailer


  • Concerts in Review: Edward Sharpe at the Arts Fest plus Local Natives at Stage AE

    Concerts in Review: Edward Sharpe at the Arts Fest plus Local Natives at Stage AE

    Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros at PGH Arts Fest Friday, June 7

    Pittsburgh was treated to some West Coast music flavor the past few days as multiple Los Angeles-based bands made their way through the ‘Burgh. Starting with last Friday night’s 2013 Arts Fest Music featured act Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.

    The ten-member troupe made their way onto the Dollar Bank Stage at the Point to a roaring crowd. While past Arts Fest shows have been relaxed and inviting for audience members to sit and relax on the lawn, leading up to the Edward Sharpe show the area quickly filled and became a standing-room-only affair.

    But that didn’t stop the fun, positive atmosphere as lead singer Alex Ebert belted through the opening song “40 Day Dream.” Before long the whole crowd was clapping and singing along as Ebert and fellow singer Jade Castrinos encouraged everyone to dance and scream (“if they wanted to”) through the stomp-tastic “If You Wanna.” The warm evening and open venue complemented the band’s sound, as every song was clear, audible, and well-performed.

    At one point Ebert leapt into the crowd, disappearing in the sea of people while his voice still echoed on stage. The band kept the crowd involved the entire show, even pulling one lucky audience member on stage to sing a song and participate in a stage dive. The set-list seemed spontaneous, as Ebert would ask the crowd for suggestions or look to the rest of the band for next song ideas. The enthusiastic crowd was also treated to a sneak peek at the band’s upcoming third, self-titled album with the song “Better Days,” the video for which was published yesterday. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros closed out the show with the hit single “Home” as well as “Om Nashi Me” in front of light patterns that resembled stars in the night sky. Audience members were given the opportunity to tell their own stories in the interlude of “Home,” as Ebert and Castrino passed their microphones around.

    After finishing up, Ebert reluctantly told the crowd that there “will be no coming back out,” due to a time limit (which it seemed they had already exceeded anyways).

    “Talk to your City,” Ebert proclaimed, “Pay more taxes!”

    No thank you, Mr. Ebert, I’d much rather pay nothing to enjoy a fantastic evening of music.

    Full set list:

    1. Jade Castrinos of Edward Sharpe and the Magnet...
      Jade Castrinos of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

      40 Day Dream

    2. That’s What’s Up
    3. Man on Fire
    4. Janglin’
    5. Fiya Wata
    6. I Don’t Wanna Pray (with multiple verses added)
    7. Truth
    8. Up From Below
    9. If You Wanna
    10. Jade
    11. Mayla
    12. Better Days (New Song)
    13. Home
    14. Om Nashi Me

    Local Natives at Stage AE Monday, June 10 

    Stage AE Pittsburgh's North Shore
    Stage AE Pittsburgh’s North Shore

    Fellow L.A. natives Ex Cops opened for Local Natives, and actually held their own. Like most openers, the band got the crowd into them through the assurance that the main act was coming up after them, asking the crowd if they were excited. The evening started like an awkward middle school dance as the crowd was not entirely sure what to make of this five-piece rock band. But as the evening went on, heads indeed were bobbing while knees jumped up and down to the swinging, catchy grooves of this unique band who did a proper job of priming the crowd without upstaging the main act.

    The Local Natives, also from Los Angeles, rocked to an ecstatic crowd at Stage AE on the North Shore. The four-person group is just beginning their Summer/Fall tour and Pittsburgh is just the seventh stop. With the buzz from their sold-out Spring tour (and Coachella performance) for their sophomore album Hummingbird hanging in the air, the Local Natives really delivered to the enthusiastic Stage AE crowd.

    The Local Natives have been getting attention since 2010’s Gorilla Manor (ironically at one time they were the opening act for Edward Sharpe), and for good reason. The combination of strong vocals and vocal harmonization as well as diversity in sounds (from slower, passionate songs, to fast-paced stompers) give the Local Natives a really unique sound, one that has been dubbed “a prominent, assured voice of contemporary Los Angeles rock…a transformational arrival” by the Los Angeles Times as well as “indie rock’s next great hope” by Entertainment Weekly.

    The group wasted little time between songs, powering through the set list as each song brought even louder cheers from the jumpy, dancing crowd. Stage AE suited the Local Natives well as it was large enough to let out their big sound, but small enough to allow some intimacy with the crowd. The band made things fun, swapping instruments and vocal duties and at times even playing multiple instruments at once. Lead singer Kelcey Ayer (who played keyboards, a drum, and picked up a guitar at times) expressed appreciation for the passionate crowd, admitting the last time they were in Pittsburgh was roughly 5 years ago to a crowd of about twenty or so people at an art gallery. Needless to say they’ve come a long way in a short amount of time and the enthusiastic support from the crowd could have suggested that the band members were “local natives” (ouch, too much?) of the Pittsburgh area.

    Local Natives performing at Stage AE in Pittsburgh
    Local Natives performing at Stage AE in Pittsburgh

    The Local Natives finished up their main set as the cheers of the crowd rang out in harmony with the final guitar strum while the packed audience cried for more. They came out for an encore, appreciative of the strong support.

    Tentative set list for Local Natives (it’s one they’ve used recently, but I’m not sure if it exactly matches Monday night’s show-feel free to comment with any corrections).


    1. Black Spot
    2. Breakers
    3. Wide Eyes
    4. You & Me
    5. Ceilings

      Local Natives performing at Stage AE North Shore
      Local Natives performing at Stage AE North Shore
    6. Heavy Feet
    7. World News
    8. Columbia
    9. Warning Sign
    10. Who Knows, Who Cares
    11. Bowery


    1. Three Months
    2. Airplanes
    3. Sun Hands

    Local Natives recently performed on Letterman, and guitarist/keyboardist/singer Ryan Hahn just did a full interview with Pittsburgh’s 91.3fm WYEP.

    Between Friday night’s Arts Fest-ivities (see what I did there?) and Monday night’s show, it was the largest collection of square-framed glasses, mustaches, rolled pant legs, and tossle hats in June I’d seen in one place (my own Ray-Bans and unkept facial hair included). And to be honest, all jokes aside, it was welcomed– a friendly, positive, fun-loving crowd which can only bring other great acts through Pittsburgh.