- Submit
- Contact
- We would love to hear from you – drop us a line info @ iheartpgh.com. If you are contacting us about promoting your event – please submit that to our events calendar here before you send us an email – it will help us get your event up on the site faster.
- Write for IheartPGH
- We are always looking for new writers. We would like you to commit to writing once or twice a week. If you would like to be a regular writer for IheartPGH please email us at info @ Iheartpgh.com. Not sure what to write about? Thats okay – we have tons of story ideas and could use your help.
- IheartPGH Gear – T-shirts, Totes, Baby Bibs and more
- Right now, we sell t-shirts, totes, baby bibs and more – our shop is powered by Spreadshirt
- http://IheartPGH.Spreadshirt.com
- W
ebsite Hosting
- We use pair Networks for website hosting – pair is located in Pittsburgh!
- Advertisements/Promotions
- IheartPGH earns a tiny bit of revenue from ads and affiliate links. Monies earned support the site , donations to Pittsburgh organizations and occasionally pizza for the bloggers.
- Ads – We are currently running Google AdSense, Skim Link Ads and Text Link Ads on the site.
- Affiliate Links – sometimes we use an affiliate link for Amazon, Groupon and Living Social links – when you click through one of the affiliate links we earn a small percentage (1%-8%) from your purchase. Affiliate programs we participate in:
- pair Networks
- Powell’s Books
- Amazon.com
- ScoreBig – discounted tickets for sporting events and concerts
- Daily Deal Sites – Groupon, Living Social, MooLaLa
- Giveaways – occasionally companies give us tickets and other items – we do our best to disclose what has been given to IheartPGH for promotional purposes.
- Other Questions
- How can I add this website to my RSS Feeder?
- Our RSS feed is: http://www.iheartpgh.com/wp-rss.php
- What IS an RSS feeder?
- RSS feeders (or aggregators) are computer applications that list newspaper headlines or blog updates every time they are updated. They are a convenient to keep track of information. To learn how to use one, check out this handy-dandy Guide to Using RSS from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.This video, RSS in Plain English, does a darn great job of explaining RSS, it is worth 5 minutes of your time.