Category Archives: Fundraisers

Cookies and Cards Reception for the CHS Holiday Gift Card Drive

We are happy to support the Community Human Services (CHS) holiday gift card drive again this year.  This is a great and easy way to support CHS and help them get holiday gifts to some Pittsburghers who might not have much of a holiday.  Last years Cookies and Cards event was a blast – a nice chance to hang out with some old friends and to meet some new ones.  This year the event will be held at the Shiloh Grill in Mt. Washington.

CHS has been working in Oakland and neighborhoods around Pittsburgh since the early 1970s.  CHS offers a variety of programs to serve people in the Pittsburgh area.  CHS has a range of programs to help those dealing with homelessness and mental health.

You can help CHS with their holiday programming by donating a gift card or two.   Stop by the event on Monday December 5 or you can send gift cards to their offices in Oakland

Cookies and Cards Reception for the CHS Holiday Gift Card Drive
Monday, December 5, 2011
Shiloh Grill, 123 Shiloh Street, Mt. Washington
Facebook Event Link

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Tree Pittsburgh Presents Arbor Aid 2011

Arbor Aid is an annual fundraiser for Tree Pittsburgh, an environmental non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the City’s vitality by restoring and protecting City trees.  This fundraiser has grown over the years into one of Fall’s more fun and unqiue events.  Art made from salvaged wood is exhibited, food and drink is plentiful, and entertainment this year is provided by Pairdown, and the Armadillos.  And the folks at Tree Pittsburgh know that to make it a true Pittsburgh celebration you need to include an epic Cookie Table … and a Hug a Tree Photo Booth.  So strap on your dancing shoes and head over to Guardian Storage Solutions this Friday, October 28th at 9pm.

Reverse Keg Ride 2011 Includes Costume Contest for Best PGH Costume!

Keg Ride '10-22

Image by robjdlc via Flickr

For those of you looking for a way to celebrate Halloween while getting some exercise – think of it as canceling out the candy – or you really love bicycles and beer – this is the event for you. Its time for the annual Reverse Keg Ride.

What is a Reverse Keg Ride?

A few years ago, End End Brewing decided that the best way to get the first keg of Pedal Pale Ale to the bar was by bike.  And thus the keg ride was born. And each year a few more people decided to come along for the ride.  This spring over 400 people joined the ride to deliver the first keg AND raise money for some local charities.

Since the keg rides have been so popular, in 2009 it was decided that the way to end the pedaling season was with a reverse keg ride back to the brewery – another chance to raise some money, drink some beer and take a bike ride through Pittsburgh with a few hundred people.

Keg Ride, but its Halloween Weekend?

Yes, it is! So the bicycle beer loving folks are holding a costumer contest – and it is a good one. Prizes will be awarded for Best Beer-themed Costume, Best Pittsburgh-themed Costume and Best Overall Costume,

How does this work?

Well, talk about another great example of a Pittsburgh collaboration.  East End Brewing is working with the folks at Venture Outdoors to make sure this is a well organized and safe event.  East End Brewing knows beer.  And Venture Outdoors are experts in organizing large groups of people to do fun things outside.

Reverse Keg Ride Details

  • Saturday, October 29th. Rain or shine.
  • Breakfast and Check-in at 9:00am
  • Depart at 10:00, arrive at 11:00-11:30am
  • Cost: $15 for pre-registration (on-line), $20 for Day-of-ride registration. This is a charitable contribution that goes to support “Advisory Board on Autism and Related Disorders” (aka ABOARD), a non-profit agency, providing a lifeline of support for families and individuals with autism.
  • What you get:  a continental breakfast, morning coffee, a fun day of riding your bike in a big group… and this year’s very first SNOW MELT WINTER ALE fresh from the brewery.
  • Get all the details and warnings about hills here.  Ready to register – you can do that here.

Step Up To See the City


Image by peterp via Flickr

Well I was just about to write about the Fineview and South Side Slopes Step Treks.  But Diana Nelson Jones and I must be thinking the same thing.  She just posted about both of these events on her blog for the Post-Gazeete – Walkabout.  So click here to read her post about both of these great events.

This is one of my favorite photos of Pittsburgh that I took on the Step Trek in 2006.  That was the graffiti on the wall at the time.  I wonder if it is still there…

Fineview Step-a-thon 2011

South Side Slopes Step Trek

Was it Professor Plum, with the Candlestick … in the Library?

Wadsworth (Tim Curry) and the other guests ans...

Image via Wikipedia

One of my all time favorite movies is Clue – yes the Clue with Mrs. White, Professor Plum and the singing telegram – so I love that the upcoming fundraiser at the Carnegie Library includes a live action version of Clue.  This Friday, September 23, its After Hours @ the Library.  The Carnegie Library has been hosting these occasional fundraisers at different Libraries around town – this week the After Hours party is at the library in Oakland. For $25 you can support the library, have some snacks, enjoy some drinks, listen to the musical stylings of Joy Ike AND play live action game of Clue.

What’s Live Action Clue you ask? It is our optional, super low key and awfully fun way to win some cool prizes and help Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh solve a murder mystery. You’ll stroll through the party enjoying your drinks and some great snacks donated by local restaurants and may see Mrs. Peacock, Mr. Green or Colonel Mustard having a fabulous time at the library too. You also may see the rope bartending and the wrench reading a magazine… Your job is to ask these characters if they have a clue for you. Once you get all the clues (or lack of clues, hint, hint), you’ll be able to figure out who done it, with what and in what room. It is easy, fun and optional.

Event Details:

After Hours @ The Library
Carnegie Library in Oakland
September 23, 2011, 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Tickets are $25 but there are still tickets available on Groupon here  for $13.

For my fellow Clue fans – the singing telegram…
