Image via WikipediaI know that you are probably saying that you have heard enough about Pittsburgh’s 250 Birthday – I agree that a year long party is really long. One aspect of the birthday celebration is a number of grants to fund projects that represent pride and progress in the region. I was honored to be party of the grant making process last year and I was truly blown away by the proposals. The projects that have received funding have been really great.
Check out some of these great projects at the Community Connections event on Monday, December 13, 2008 at the Science Center. I will be on one of the panels that will be discussing the projects. There will be a reception following. I am looking forward to learning more about some of the other funded projects.
Pittsburgh 250: Making the Connections
Program Begins: 3:00pm, Reception Begins: 5:00pm
Carnegie Science Center, One Allegheny Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
The Sprout Fund invites you to mark one year since the announcement of the grant awardees by attending Pittsburgh 250: Making The Connections.
Join scores of other Community Connections volunteers, project managers, foundation supporters, and more in both celebrating the success of this year’s initiative and continuing its work. Panel discussions will look at what has happened, and what will continue happening thanks to Community Connections.
And afterwards, while listening to the thematically-aligned sounds of the Newlanders, you’ll have a chance to continue the process of connecting with your peers in the region and within Southwestern Pennsylvania’s community organizing, non-profit, and fundraising worlds
RSVP: communityconnections [at] or 412.325.0646
via PopCity Media