Category Archives: Community Resources

History Mystery Run

Pittsburgh’s Hash House Harriers (aka PGH H-3) refer to them selves as “the drinking club with a running problem.”

What is Hashing?
You have just stumbled upon an International phenomenon, where a group of people, “Hashers”, follow a cryptic trail that has been marked with flour by the “Hare”. This trail leads to beer, water, snacks, and a lot of camaraderie.   Some people run, some people walk, but they all follow these cryptic marks along streets, trails, and off the beaten path until they find a beer stop. Now there is water there too, and snacks, but really we are known as a Beer Drinking Club with a Running Problem.

Pittsburgh’s Hash House Harrier’s are getting into the Pittsburgh 250 spirit with a History Mystery Run This Monday.  This mystery run will hit a couple of Pittsburgh’s historical sites and will be about 3-4 miles.

The Hash House Harriers have many other runs planned – check out their website for details.

History Mystery Run
Monday, January 21, 6:30pm
Meet at Fuel & Fuddle in Oakland, 212 Oakland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Bring a flashlight and a few dollars

Pittsburgh’s Hash House Harriers Website


MLK Day: Bookshelf Building

I think this looks like a great project to do on Martin Luther King Junior Day. The folks from the Sierra Club are great and this is a great project that will be used all over the city.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Bookshelf Building with the Sierra Club
The Sierra Club, along with 250 adults, youth and familes, will be building and designing bookshelves that commemoratre the Civil Rights Movement. These bookshelves, as well as multicultural books, will be donated to local schools Continue reading

Pittsburgh Idol

Okay, no quite American Idol, but this is an impressive event showing off some of Pittsburgh’s best young performers.

On Tuesday, January 15th, the Union Project hosts another Youth Talent Showcase

At last month’s Talent Showcase the judges and crowd were offered outstanding performances including local dance troupes, emerging hiphop artists, and solo vocalists. We are taking slot reservations for students. Just send an email to , titled “Contestant” with the name and talent of the youth participating. There will be some slots left open for walk-in contestants the night of the event.

Youth Talent Showcase
Union Project, 801 N. Negley Ave
January 15, 7pm

Film Fun: Children of the Corn

I have a thing for documentary films, I love them. Thus I am very interested in seeing this documentary, King Corn, at Pittsburgh Filmmakers this weekend. King Corn is the story of two friends who plant and grow an acre of corn in Iowa and try to follow their corn across the country to see where food comes from. I enjoyed (was terrified by) Fast Food Nation and I really really like corn, so I am looking forward to checking out this film. Continue reading

Scrabble Clubs

Over the holidays I started playing Scrablulous on Facebook. I love it – I play every day. I am even thinking of organizing a Scrabulous tournament.

Since the weather is just gross outside I think that Scrabble is a great inside activity and luckily there are 2 Scrabble clubs in the Pittsburgh area.

The Pittsburgh Scrabble® Club (National Scrabble® Association Club #352) meets in Squirrel hill, usually on Wednesday – you will have to check with the organizers for game locations.

The South Hills Scrabble Club, also recognized by the National Scrabble Association, meets from 1 to 3 p.m. every Saturday at the Mount Lebanon Public Library, 16 Castle Shannon Boulevard, near Washington Road.