Tag: Walking

  • Links Worth a Look – February 15th

    Here are some links/articles/blog posts that are worth a look:

    • Free Waffles on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 – Free waffles – made with magic – networking and conversation – this Wednesday at the DeepLocal waffles. We stopped by for Waffles at the December waffle Wednesday – great group of people and good coffee.
    • Walking to New Orleans – Al Hoff, who is also the brains behind the blog – City of Sad Toys – has started a new project. She is virtually walking from Pittsburgh to New Orleans. Each day she logs how many miles she walks and plots that on a map of the route from Pittsburgh to New Orleans. Each post includes some history and background about the locations she is virtually walking through.
    • Coming this Spring – New Public Market opens in the Strip District – From PopCity Media "The Pittsburgh Public Market will have space for 42 vendors, ranging from fresh and prepared foods to arts and crafts to local, seasonal produce. So far, vendors will include: 21st Street Coffee and Tea, Elysian Fields Farm, Pittsburgh Candy Buffet, Tracy's Treats natural skincare products and more. The market will be open Friday through Sunday each week."

    Follow IheartPGH on Twitter – we share more links there almost daily!

  • Urban Hike is Back – and in search of a 24 hour donut shop

    I am sitting here looking out the window at SUNSHINE. Last saturday was perfect weather – and I enjoyed walking around Lawrenceville on Saturday afternoon. See my post about the Slaughterhouse Gallery here. I just checked Weather.com and we are looking at another 70 degree weekend.

    So it is time to get outside and not do yard work. Thankfully Urban Hike is back for the 2008 season. If you are a regular reader of IheartPGH – you will know I heart Urban Hike. I have been on number of their hikes and give it a huge endorsement.

    Please don’t let the word hike scare you – this is a walk, through an urban area – you are almost always on cement so just wear your sneakers and you will be fine. The walk takes about 2 hours and the leaders have lots of fun historical facts to share so the pace is not too fast.

    On Saturday April 26, 2008 – Urban Hike heads to Crafton. They are meeting at the Sharp Edge Creek house which is one of those places I have always wanted to go to but not had a chance to visit yet.

    We’re starting the season in Crafton, the boyhood home of Bill Cowher and the current home of a 24-hour donut shop and much more. Spend a few hours exploring the area with us on Saturday, April 26th beginning at 1:30 pm. We’ll park at the Sharp Edge Creekhouse, 288 W. Steuben Street. Check out their web site to see a map and get a taste for what we’ll be tasting after the hike.

    Our hike will last 2-3 hours. As always, we recommend that you wear comfortable shoes, and bring water, sunscreen, and a sunny disposition. If you haven’t hiked with us before, no RSVP needed-but if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at info@urbanhike.org. See you there!

  • History Mystery Run

    Pittsburgh’s Hash House Harriers (aka PGH H-3) refer to them selves as “the drinking club with a running problem.”

    What is Hashing?
    You have just stumbled upon an International phenomenon, where a group of people, “Hashers”, follow a cryptic trail that has been marked with flour by the “Hare”. This trail leads to beer, water, snacks, and a lot of camaraderie.   Some people run, some people walk, but they all follow these cryptic marks along streets, trails, and off the beaten path until they find a beer stop. Now there is water there too, and snacks, but really we are known as a Beer Drinking Club with a Running Problem.

    Pittsburgh’s Hash House Harrier’s are getting into the Pittsburgh 250 spirit with a History Mystery Run This Monday.  This mystery run will hit a couple of Pittsburgh’s historical sites and will be about 3-4 miles.

    The Hash House Harriers have many other runs planned – check out their website for details.

    History Mystery Run
    Monday, January 21, 6:30pm
    Meet at Fuel & Fuddle in Oakland, 212 Oakland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
    Bring a flashlight and a few dollars

    Pittsburgh’s Hash House Harriers Website

    (Via ThisIsHappening.org)