Category Archives: Community Resources

So you have a business idea…

IMG_0263.JPGImage by mbfulk via FlickrPittsburgh has some resources for people that want to start businesses, especially technology businesses.  I have attended some of the work shops at the Tech Council, definitely worth a few hours of your time.

I just wanted to highlight AlphaLab (they have a blog here).  I mentioned AlphaLab recently because they have a really great office on Carson St. and were kind enough to host the reception for this years PodCamp Pittsburgh.

AlphaLab is a project of Innovation Works that provides support to starting companies, if your project is selected AlphaLab helps with funding, office space, some great advisors as well as other support for a seedling of a business.

The deadline to apply for the Winter/Spring 2009 Cycle is October 30, 2008.  The application is not too tricky, you don’t need a full business plan, just some ideas mostly in the technology area but it doesn’t have to be a technology business.  Check out the AlphaLab FAQ for all of the details.

Know of other resources for new businesses in Pittsburgh – please share! Continue reading

Haunted Boat Ride on the RiverQuest Explorer

RiverQuest is awesome and one of those cool things that didn’t exist when I was a kid.  RiverQuest, which used to be called Pittsburgh Voyager, is a floating classrom that is here to provide hand on learning on the rivers.  Earlier this summer, RiverQuest moved to a new vessel that is a green, environmentally friendly ship – the Explorer is one of the first green passenger boats in the world.

To celebrate the Halloween Season they have organized a spooktacular “spirits of the Riverfront” Cruise.  I really want to go on this – 2 hours of scary stories and visiting haunted spots along Pittsburgh rivers.

The final cruise is this Friday, October 24 7-9pm.  Tickets are $10-$15.  Click here for all the details.

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Grand Opening Celebration for the New Hill District Library

Some of the best places in and around Pittsburgh are the libraries.  When some of these libraries were built they were way more than a place to find books – both the Braddock Library and the Homestead libraries had pools and gymnasiums too.

This Saturday this first new library building in Pittsburgh will open in the Hill District.

Stop by between 9:30 am and 1pm to celebrate the new library with crafts, storytelling, puppet shows and more.

Hill District Library Grand Opening Celebration
Saturday,  October 25,  2008 9:30am-1pm
2177 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

via This Is Continue reading

Wilderness First Aid

A&E sign common in the UK.Image via WikipediaIf you are interested in taking your outdoors skills to the next level – this is the course for you.  Venture Outdoors is bringing the people from NOLS, which is an amazing organization that lead outdoor trips and education, to Western PA for a weekend in Wilderness First Aid.  Sign up by Oct. 1, 2008 if you are interested.

Venture Outdoors is proud to host a two-day, 16-hour Wilderness First Aid workshop through the internationally recognized Wilderness Medical Institute of NOLS. The workshop takes place on Saturday, November 1 and Sunday, November 2 at Crooked Creek Environmental Learning Center, an hour North of Pittsburgh. Continue reading

Dragon Boat Festival 2008

This is the 7th Annual Dragon Boat Festival and this event is kind of special for IheartPGH as it was one of the first things we blogged about in 2005 (and 2006 and 2007. I have attended a few of the past dragon boat festivals – it is a great opportunity to learn about dragon boats and to check out the riverfront park on the South Side.

Saturday, September 20, 2008 11am-7pm

  • Dragon Boat Races
  • Learn to Dragon Boat
  • traditional Asian music, dance, and food, plus arts and crafts for the children

Visitors are also welcome to try their hand at Dragon Boating. Each ornately-carved boat is 44 feet long and features brightly-painted dragon heads and tails that loom ominously at the fore and aft of each craft. A Dragon Boat seats 20 paddlers, a steersperson and a drummer to sound the beat.

More info is available at :

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