Art All Night in Lawrenceville

09poster.jpg Attending Art All Night in Lawrenceville this weekend is a must … but have you ever thought of volunteering?  The group has, in my opinion, one of the most user friendly volunteer sign-ups(  There are a whole slew of options with varying commitment time periods.

Here is the Post-Gazette write-up:
“Art All Night Lawrenceville” returns for its 12th annual no-holds barred event, from 6 p.m. Saturday to 2 p.m. Sunday at the brand new Red Warehouse, 3510 Smallman St. Professional and amateur artists may exhibit and sell any work of art, or sign up to perform, at No fee, no jury, no censorship; but, this year, the art must not be wet and cannot leave a mark on the freshly rehabbed building.”

While this author is disappointed she cannot submit her slime ball installation, she supposes it is a small price to pay for 20 hours of art, music, performance, food, drink, and friends.

Also, featured this week in Pop City!