Tag: Sewing machine

  • Update on P.Nosa’s Sewing Tour – First Stop Pittsburgh

    Update on P.Nosa’s Sewing Tour – First Stop Pittsburgh

    Last week I posted about Paul Nosa’s Sewing Tour project on Kickstarter. Paul is an artist based in Tuscon, AZ who is planning to travel across the country with his solar and bike powered sewing machine.

    I posted about the project because the video is awesome (check out the video here) AND he is bringing the tour to Pittsburgh.  The first Kickstarter project didn’t reach funding – but he has relaunched the project on Kickstarter here.  A few changes to the route – his first stop is Pittsburgh!

    Check out his video update here.

  • Help Bring Paul Nosa’s Sewing Tour to Pittsburgh

    Help Bring Paul Nosa’s Sewing Tour to Pittsburgh

    Sewing Tour 2012 is project that came up on Kickstarter. We have posted some Kickstarter projects here before – Kickstarter is a website that lets your croudsource funding for projects and businesses.

    I am sharing this project because it has a really nice little video and I think it is a neat little project.  While I don’t do much of it myself, I like sewing and quilting and I like to think that quilts – which were used to tell stories are sort of a precursor to the modern day blog.

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    Paul Nosa is an artist who creates drawings with a sewing machine.  He powers the sewing machine with solar power.  He is trying to raise money to take his solar powered sewing machine on a cross country tour this summer.  One of the stops is already planned for Pittsburgh.

    Here is one of the patches he created with his sewing machine titled Bicycle Over City

    Check out his video and maybe lend some support to his tour.

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