Tag Archives: pittsburgh craft collective

Volunteer to Help Knit & Crochet Trail Markers for the Park

A display in Yellow Springs, Ohio, thanking tr...

Image via Wikipedia

Another fantastic collaboration here in Pittsburgh.  An eco-friendly way of marking trails in the park is by making trail markers out of organic materials.  Join the Pittsburgh Craft Collective in knitting and crocheting trail markers for the project.

Location: Wildcard (4209 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA)
Date: Thursday, February 3
Time: 6-9 p.m.
Facebook Page

Learn more about the park and get all of the details on the Pittsburgh Craft Collective blog here.

Workshop for Handmade/Crafty Sellers – The Business of Craft – Sat. July 24

My booth and Crafts N'At Pittsburgh
Image by lazytcrochet via Flickr

One of the things that makes Pittsburgh great – is the affordable cost of living here.  In recent years, a number of groups have started to promote and support local crafters and artists. Now there are lots of festivals, some shops and websites where you can purchase interesting, one of a kind, handmade items from local artists and crafters.  Over the past few years the craft seen in Pittsburgh has flourished with a couple of different groups working to promote handmade businesses.  A few years ago, I had a ton of fun spending an afternoon with some of the crafters at the beehive talking blogs and business and I honored to be included on their panel on social media this weekend.  Not only is the crafting movement a good thing for the local economy but its great to see  a groups of passionate people supporting their businesses and creating a fun community in Pittsburgh.

BusinessofCraftLogoThe Business of Craft is a day long workshop this Saturday, hosted by the Pittsburgh Craft Collective.  This is a day of workshops and speakers focused on how to improve your crafting business.  While this is being organized by crafters – I think that many of the topics will also apply to small business as well and there will lots of info on using the internet to promote your business.

I will be one of the panelists talking about social media and small business.  I am looking forward to meeting these amazing other presenters Tara Gentile of Scoutiegirl.com, Carrie Nardini of I Made It! Market, Alissa Martin of Pavement, Michelle Hammons of Burgh Baby, Mundania Horvath of Steeltown Anthem. Continue reading

Saturday Sept. 5 – Crafts N'At – with Auction Prizes too!

Crafts NAt Logo

This weekend the Pittsburgh Craft Collective is hosting Crafts N’At – a craft fair at the Union Project . Craft N’At will also include a the pick-a-prize auction benefit [gravity & grace], a contemporary opera benefiting the Parkinson’s foundation of Western PA. It is great to see that the Pgh Craft Collective is working to support the [gravity & grace] project. I first learned about gravity & grace last year and I think it is a really interesting project about living with a disability that has been holding some community workshops over the past few months and will have a performance on September 25 & 26,2009.

Auction Items include: A Gift Certificate from Pavement – one of the best shoe stores around, a membership to the Carnegie Museums, a gift basket from the East End Food Co-Op and MORE!

Here are just a few of the vendors you might want to check out