Sorry for posting this last minute but, this looks like a great event.
The Pittsburgh Steelers Basketball team will be challenging the faculty of Perry and Oliver High Schools this evening, Wednesday, March 7, 2012 for Perry/Oliver Unity Day.
Tickets are 7 dollars each, and they can be purchased by calling Oliver at 412.323.3250 or Perry at 412.323.3400. The Steelers will be taking pictures and signing autographs at halftime.
Proceeds raised from the game will support cost associated with transition activities planned for students including, field trips, community events and grade level meetings.
Pittsburgh City Council has declared March 7, 2012 Pittsburgh Perry/Oliver Unity Day.
Steelers Basketball Team vs. Perry/Oliver Faculty
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
8:00 pm
Perry High School, 3875 Perrysville Avenue, Pittsbrugh PA, 15214