Tag Archives: Free

Do I need a sleeping bag for PodCamp Pittsburgh?

Nope, no sleeping bag needed. You don’t even need an Ipod for PodCamp.

PodCamp Pittsburgh is the 2nd PodCamp ever and people from all over will be coming here to Pittsburgh to learn about every thing pod. More than PodCasting, PodCamp will be talking about blogs, podcasting, internet video and more. I will be there talking about blogs and more blogs. And it is all FREE(thanks to some awesome sponsors)! This is a really cool unconference, which means it is a conference that is run by the people. The other great thing is that lots of the super stars of the PodCasting world are coming right here to Pittsburgh for the event.
What is PodCamp?

PodCamp is a FREE UN-CONFERENCE for people who create, enjoy or are interested in learning more about the following: blogs, vlogs, audio podcasts, web video, content networks and new media monetization. Show up, meet people, make connections!

Want to help? Volunteers and Sponsors are still needed. Drop me an email lpa (at) spreadshirt.com if you are interested.