Tag: food bank

  • Blues for Food 2011

    Blues for Food 2011

    I would make some joke about this being a great cure for the winter blues – but since it is spring like weater outside – I will spare you the bad jokes and get to the point.

    6.5 hours of live blues music and it is all for a good cause.

    The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank knows that 12 months is along time to wait for the next annual blues fest which is held during the summer.  So they bring you a little mid winter break of blues.

    $10 gets you in the door – all of the money goes to the food bank and you can spend sunday afternoon listening to Eugene and the Nightcrawlers


    The Jimmy Alder Blues Band


    and here is a clip of the Mark DeMeno Band from Blues for Food 2010


    Blues for Food 2011
    Sunday, February 20, 2011
    Domenico;’s Restaurant – Cranberry
    Tickets: $10, kids are free

    Not enough blues for you – then check out the Blues Society of Western PA for more upcoming blues events.

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  • Meet the Sky Rocket and Be One of The First to Ride the New Coaster at Kennywood


    We love to see Pittsburgh people working together – Kennywood has partnered with the Greater Pittsburgh Foodbank to launch their new roller coaster – the Sky Rocket.

    They are auctioning off the first 200 seats to ride on the new coaster – all of the money from the auction benefits the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank. Bidding starts at $50.

    Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 – Must be at the park by 8:30

    Bidding Details:

    • Minimum bid = $50.00 – includes an all-day pass to Kennywood and a goodie souvenir bag.
    • Highest bidder gets first choice of seating position, next highest, next choice, etc.
    • You may bid for as many seats as you like.
    • Auction ends Sunday, June 27th at midnight

    Click here for the details and click here for the auction page.

    Here is a POV video from the Sky Rocket:


  • WYEP Holiday Hootenannny this Thursday!

    Hootenanny: a thingamajig
    Hootenanny: a thingamajig

    I started out with a lot of clever openings to this post … and then I decided to look up the exact definition of ‘hootenanny.’  The first definition is exactly what you envision, (n.) “a social gathering or informal concert featuring folk singing and, sometimes, dancing.”  However, an older use of the word hootenanny is in fact a ‘thingumbob.’  If I was going to a thingumbob on Thursday night I figured I should find out what it was.  And there it was… the definition of thingamabob, according to Dictionary.com was thingamajig!  All confusion cleared up, I emailed a couple of friends to see if they wanted to attend a thingamajig on Thursday night where members of some of the best local bands would be performing holiday music at the Pittsburgh Opera (2425 Liberty Ave.) as Silver & Gold.  The event starts at 6:30PM – music at 7PM – tickets are $5 suggested donation along with a canned good for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, and, sometimes, dancing.  I’ll see you at the thingamajig on Thursday.

  • You will go out for dinner on Sunday – 3rd Annual Big Bennefit

    You don’t really want to cook dinner on Sunday, you should gather your family and friends and head to your favorite Big Burrito establishment on Sunday, October 12, 2008 for the Big Benefit.  100% of all food sales on Sunday will go to support the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.  I have long been a fan of Mad Mex which is still probably my most favorite place to dine in Pittsburgh.  I have had the wonderful opportunity to get to know some of the good folks, (check out chef Bill Fuller’s blog here) at Big Burrito and I am an even bigger fan.  The Big Burrito folks are true Pittsburgh lovers and they give generously to support Pittsburgh causes.

    100% of all food sales from this night will go to local hunger relief organizations.

    Our Pittsburgh restaurants will benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. The GPCFB collects and distributes food via a 350+ member network throughout southwestern Pennsylvania, ranging from soup kitchens and food pantries to emergency and disaster related agencies.

    Here is a list of Big Burrito establishments as well as some reviews from other bloggers:

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  • Radio Round Up – May 9, 2008

    Fresh From Louisiana – Crawfish Broil

    • Fisher’s Bar and Grill on Main Street in Zelienople
    • Sat. May 10 – the fun starts at 11am
    • and yes, they bring the crawfish in from Louisiana

    Stamp Out Hunger

    • The National Association of Letter Carriers – 1 day food drive
    • Sat., May 10 – just leave some food in a bag next to your mailbox, they will pick it up and deliver it to the foodbank

    Friendship Flower and Folk Festival

    • Sat. May 10, 11-4, Baum Grove Park behind Day Jeep Dealer
    • Annual Flower Sale and Folk Music Festival

    Classic Car Night at the Drive In 

    • Every Sat. night at the Twin Hi-Way Drive-In, 5588 Steubinville Pike
    • Hosted by the Drifters Classic Car Club

    Discover Pittsburgh 2008

    • Thur. May 15 5:30-8:30
    • Come and learn about what is happening – PUMP and over 30 other organizations and clubs will be there in one room
    • Followed by Quiz Night at the Red Ring