The events at the Zoo seem to be selling out quickly so I am posting about this one early. Head over to the Pittsburgh Zoo for brunch and a cupcake decorating class with the Zoo’s Chef Jess.
Cupcakes Gone Wild
Date Saturday, March 10, 2012
Time 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Cost Members: $25 Non-members: $35
Cupcakes are all the rage these days. Join the Zoo’s very own Chef Jess as she shows you how to make cupcakes gone wild! After a delicious breakfast, you’ll turn basic cupcakes into edible masterpieces and then head out into the Zoo to walk off the calories and see some of the animals that inspired your culinary creativity. All participants should be ages 13 or older. (Younger pastry chefs can attend our Cupcake Critter class.) Register now