Tag Archives: bacon

Bring on the Bacon Tour – Bacon Book, Bacon Cupcakes and more Bacon

Uncooked streaky bacon.
Image via Wikipedia

WARNING: If you are a vegetarian you might want to skip this post – it is 100% about bacon.

IheartPGH owes alot to bacon, we didn’t really think much of this blog and only a handful of our friends read this little website – and four years ago that was a pretty small group of people that were willing to read a blog. But then we posted about Bacon Night (TGIB – Bacon Night 11/18/2005)at the Harris Grill and somehow the Post-Gazette found that post and mentioned this humble little blog in the paper and things started to change.

So I have noticed that bacon is kind of a big deal for many of our readers so here is an event for the bacon lovers.

The Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour, Saturday, September 26, 11:00 – 4:00, Harris Grill – $30 gets you 5 hours of bacon goodness. You can even purchase a signed copy of the book Bacon: A Love Story: A Salty Survey of Everybody’s Favorite Meat. A must read for the bacon enthusiast. Continue reading

TGIB – Bacon Night!

When I first heard about this, I almost fell out of my chair. Could this be real? Is this just a figment of a pig-fat lover’s wild imagination? But no. It’s true! Bacon addicts, have we got something for you:

Tuesday night is bacon night at the Harris Grill.

(The Harris Grill is located at 5747 Ellsworth Avenue in Shadyside.)

bacon bacon bacon !!!

The free bacon at the bar starts at 7:30pm (after happy hour) until the pigs come home.

Wow – has anyone ever been? How is the bacon served? I must check this out.