- Image by mknobil via Flickr
Okay, so I am not the biggest elton John fan, but I wasn’t sure how else to title this post to convey the excitement about Saturday Night. Here are 6 great events happening in Pittsburgh. All worthy of your attention. From art to fishing to cake there is something for everyone this Saturday.
- Art All Night: Lawrenceville – all art, all night long, Facebook Event
- Burnin’ Up: an Earth Day/ Global Warming affair – Music and More to celebrate earth day at Piper’s Pub, Facebook Event
- Carp All Night 2010 – All night fishing to complement Art All Nigth, www.thisishappening.com
- Let Them Eat Cake (5th Annual Fundraiser for Midwife Center), Facebook Event
- The Dirty Ball – Attack Theater’s Annual Fundraiser, Facebook Event
- TITLE TOWN Funk & Soul Party with JBX!, titletownpgh.com
- Down and Derby at Belvederes, link to flyer