Tag: Art All Night

  • Art All Night Turns 21 and Moves to the South Side

    Art All Night Turns 21 and Moves to the South Side

    Art All Night poster from 2008

    Art All Night turns 21 this year and like many Pittsburghers who turn 21, Art All Night is heading to the South Side to celebrate.  Thankfully, the Carson Street metaphor ends there.  Everything about the event is the same, except for the location.  To get to Art All Night this year, you will have to cross a river (or two depending on your route) to the South Side.  The 21st annual Art All Night will be held at the Terminal Buildings (which have been renamed The Highline, but this is a Pittsburgh blog and we prefer to give directions that would make sense to most Pittsburghers.)  Art All Night everyone is invited to submit one piece of art to be displayed in the show.

    Last week, I caught up with an old friend for lunch where we reminisced about local politics, talked about Hq2 and waxed poetic about the transformation of Pittsburgh from then to now. Pittsburgh has changed a lot in the past 30 years and one of the neighborhoods that has undergone the biggest transformation is Lawrenceville. If I had to pick one event that created a ripple effect for years to come – Art All Night might be that event.  (I would love to hear your thoughts on events that had an impact on Pittsburgh! Please share in the comments below).  You can read more about the history of Art All Night here.

    Everything you need to know about Art All Night

      • To attend: stop by any time between 4 pm on Saturday (April 28, 2018) and 2 pm on Sunday (April 29, 2018) – yes, this event is 22 consecutive hours of art. The entire event is free to attend.
    • Location: Terminal Buildings/Highline – 198 S. 4th Street, Pittsburgh PA 15203
    • To display your art: register online here and drop off your art between 10 am and 2 pm on Saturday, April 28, 2018.
    • Follow the Facebook event here and @ArtAllNight on Twitter here for updates.

    Volunteer Here: Art All Night is looking for volunteers

    This is a 100% free event.  If you would like to help make sure this event is a success sign up to volunteer here.

    Volunteers are needed to help with:

    • Registration: Register artists and check in their artwork, move art to the staging area.
    • Parking and Traffic: Help control the road and pedestrian traffic by the buildings.
    • Security: Oversee event space area to ensure no accidents occur and that safety and security protocols are met.
    • Hangers: Move the artwork from the staging area to the appropriate display area and curate/hang the art.
    • Green Team: Help keep Art All Night Green! Manage the recycling and trash receptacles.
    • Art Sales Table: No sales take place, but staff the table in order to collect contact information of interested buyers so they can be given to the artist when they pick up their artwork after the show.
    • Sales Table: Assist in the selling of merchandise.
    • Volunteers: Help the volunteer captains manage incoming volunteers and ensure all volunteers receive their t-shirt upon volunteer check-in.
    • Kitchen: Collect food donations as they come in for the volunteer team, keep food area neat and clean up at the end.
    • Stage: Assist bands and performers at the stage area.
    • Take-down: Remove art from the displays at the end of the show on Sunday at 2 pm.
    • Art Pick-Up/Check-Out: Checking artists’ IDs to make sure the right person has the correct piece of art.
    • Tear-down: Take down the display panels, pack our supplies, and clean the building on Sunday afternoon.
    • Children’s Activities: Help facilitate the children’s activity areas. This includes interacting with children to get them involved in art projects.
    • Interactive Art Assistants: Aid and monitor attendees in d.i.y. art projects.
    • Artist Assistants: Help facilitate onsite artists. Duties may include moving canvases and art supplies.
    • Onsite Art Clean Up: Assist with cleaning up lots and lots of paint, washing brushes and moving canvases late Saturday night.
    • Art Auction: Help out with a live auction and enter bids into a computer system.

    Advice from Art All Night: Art is everything my parents told me not to do

    At the 2013 Art All Night there was a giant timeline and visitors were asked to add their Art All Night memories to the board.   While there were lots of interesting memories stuck on to the board, this post-it note jumped out at me. In case you can’t read the post-it…

    • Green Note: “Art is everything my parents told me not to do”
    • Grey Note: “SAME HERE! It’s a damned shame I listened to them.  I’m 56 now and finally I’m enjoying art + LIFE”

    Read our previous posts about Art All Night here: 20082009, 20102014. 

  • 2014 Art All Night is coming to Pittsburgh this weekend

    2014 Art All Night is coming to Pittsburgh this weekend

    Art All Night, Pittsburgh’s annual free art event, pops up in Lawrenceville this weekend for its 17th year. The completely volunteer-run event is held non-stop from 4pm on Saturday, April 26, 2014 until 2pm on Sunday, April 27, 2014.

    2014 Art All Night Lawrenceville

    Never heard of Art All Night? The idea behind the censorship-free, non-juried event is to encourage participation from all types of artists. Everyone is welcome to come, share, and experience a variety of local art and activities.

    Besides original artwork, Art All Night features a live auction, various participatory and collaborative activities, live entertainment, and on-site artwork. Children’s activities are available on 4-8pm Saturday and 10am-2pm Sunday.

    All artists, regardless of age or skill-level, can submit one piece of artwork to the event. Art must be dropped off between 10am and 2pm on Saturday, April 26 and must be ready to hang or otherwise displayed. Photo ID is required for both drop off and pick up, which is on Sunday, April 27 from 2:30-5:30pm. More information and an online registration form can be found here.

    Volunteers and donations are what make Art All Night happen each year, so both are encouraged! Each year, a dedicated and talented team of volunteers offers their free time to make the event as incredible and fun as possible. You can sign up for 2-hour shifts before, during, and after the event, for all sorts of tasks, so please do if you have the time!

    Check out Art All Night on Facebook (including the official Facebook event), on Twitter at @ArtAllNight, and Instagram at ArtAllNightLawrenceville, and don’t forget to hashtag your posts with #ArtAllNight, #AAN17, and #ImAnArtAllNighter.

    The event is held at 97 40th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15201, which is a warehouse on the corner of 40th and Willow St in Lawrenceville. Parking might be tough so consider taking public transportation, car-pooling, or catching a Lyft (get $25 off your first ride with that link). Hope to see you there!

    View Google Map

  • “Art is everything my parents told me not to do” (Post-It Note Wisdom from Art All Night)

    “Art is everything my parents told me not to do” (Post-It Note Wisdom from Art All Night)

    At this years Art All Night there was a giant time line and vistors were asked to add their Art All Night memories to the board.

    Art All Night Timeline

    While there were lots of interesting memories stuck on to the board, this post-it note jumped out at me.  In case you can’t read the post-it…

    • Green Note: “Art is everything my parents told me not to do”
    • Grey Note: “SAME HERE! It’s a damned shame I listened to them.  I’m 56 now and finally I’m enjoying art + LIFE”
    “Art is everything my parents told me not to do”


  • Art, Carp, Fire and More – Just Your Avg. Weekend in Pgh

    Art, Carp, Fire and More – Just Your Avg. Weekend in Pgh

    So, it might be a little chilly this weekend – but all of these events will be happening rain or shine.  Big weekend of things to do in Pittsburgh.  Lots of free events.  Here is the list of details and links for the events we discussed on WDVE this morning.

    Gallery Crawl in the Cultural District

    • Friday, April 27, 2012.   5:30-9pm. The Cutlural District, Downtown.
    • Galleries stay open late with free events for the evening.  This month the Cultural District is hosting a Dutch Festival.
    • Full Schedule is available here.

    Urban Hike Visits Beechview

    Art All Night 2012

    • 15th Annual Art All Night gallery exhibit – anyone and everyone is invited to display their art work.
    • Saturday, April 28, 4pm til Sunday, April 29, 2pm
    • Live music and performances.  Get all of the details about submitting your art work here.
    • Facebook Event – http://www.facebook.com/events/373931675971454/

    Carp All Night 10th Anniversary Fish-In

    • 10th Annual Carp All Night
    • Saturday, April 28, 8pm
    • Meet under the 40th Street Bridge
    • Just as important as the art, is the carp – this is a group of folks that have been hosting an all-night carp fishing event during art all night
    • Facebook Event – http://www.facebook.com/events/279210828832707/


    Friends of Dormont Pool – 6th Annual Pub Crawl

    Steel City Showdown

    • Sunday, April 29, 2012, 8am-2pm
    • the race is closed 0.8 mile loop over the majestic Allegheny River
    • New this year – the course will be open for the public to ride after the race
    • Facebook Event – http://www.facebook.com/events/411409235536771/

    Taste of Brookline

    Pittsburgh Craft Beer Week 

    • runs until April 28, 2012
    • lots more craft beer events on Friday and Saturday



  • Art, Carp, Shakespeare and Oh! Susanna – Radio Round Up – April 23, 2010

    boca chica @ the Quiet Storm
    Image by stephjoyous via Flickr

    Friday – Gallery Crawl in the Cultural District,

    • 5:30-9pm Galleries, exhibits and more,
    • check out wedding themed art at Salon Christine
    • Boca Chica at the Backstage Bar from 5:30-7:30

    Shakespeare Sonnet-a-thon / BYOB (Bring Your Own Bard)

    • Friday, April 23, 2010
    • Pittsburgh Shakespeare in the Parks and Poets Corner co-host a sonnet and monologue contest to honor the Bard’s 446th birthday.
    • Actors and non-actors alike can take a crack at their favorite sonnets, songs and soliloquies

    Stephen Foster Symposium

    Stephen Foster
    Image via Wikipedia
    • April 23 and 24, 2010 @ University of Pittsburgh
    • Foster is know as the father of pop music and is the author of Oh! Susanna and Camptown Races is from Lawrenceville and is buried Allegheny Cemetery

    Urban Dare Pittsburgh

    • part double dare, part the amazing race – compete against other teams in a day long challenge that covers 5 miles around the city
    • Saturday April 24 @ Noon
    • Register online here
