Category Archives: Fundraisers

Prom for a Purpose

In honor of the prom reference – lets start with a little quiz.  What is great about this month’s Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose?

  • a) it is for a good cause
  • b) you get to dress up
  • c) you have an excuse to wear your old prom dress or for the gents – your old powder blue tuxedo
  • d) you get to meet more awesome Pittsburghers
  • e) all of the above

The correct answer is “e”! Pittsburgh Party for A Purpose is an semi regular event that takes place at local drinking establishments.  Each event befefits a different Pittsburgh non-profit organization – with all of the monies from the door going to the organization.

The April 8, 2011 Party for a Purpose is a Prom for a Purpose – everyone is invited to dust off their old tuxedos and prom dresses for the evenings attire. Continue reading

A Walk to End Poverty For All

I am sorry that I didn’t get to post this sooner  – there is still time to register!  I am happy to spread the word about a great event to benefit a great organization – CHS (Community Human Services).  Thanks to Ms. Mon for putting this post together.

Come join your fellow Pittsburghers for “A Walk to End Poverty for All” March 26, 2011 from 9 a.m. to noon. The title of the event sounds a little idealistic, but that’s what this town is founded upon – great ideals.  Every step – and in this case – we take that very literally – toward raising awareness of the extreme poverty that exists within our own country – and city – is one step toward making things better.

Community Human Services, a South Oakland-based nonprofit that provides shelter, housing, food, rental assistance, in-home help and community supports is reaching out to residents of Allegheny County to help their less fortunate neighbors by joining them at Harmar Grove Pavilion in North Park Saturday, March 26, to walk, run or roll a 1.3 mile course around the South Ridge Loop across from Pie Traynor Field. (You don’t know who Pie Traynor is?)

There are 41,000 children under the age of 18 affected by poverty in Allegheny County. In Pittsburgh, every fourth person standing in a soup kitchen line is a child. By pledging a small amount of money you can make a big difference. So come out and mingle with some good-hearted Pittsburghers and get some fresh air!

There are planned activities, free snacks, swag bags, event T-shirts, raffle tickets, music and more (by that we mean some local celebrities!).

For all the details and a registration application, visit

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Eat Pancakes for Tree Pittsburgh

Image courtesy of Tree Pittsburgh

On Sunday, March 6 from 10am to 2pm at the Double Wide Grill on the South Side you get all you can eat pancakes for $10 and your donation goes directly to benefit Tree Pittsburgh – an environmental non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the City’s vitality by restoring and protecting City trees.  Why should you attend?  Well, pancakes are delicious (and there is a vegan option), you get free coffee and potatoes as well, tunes from Big Snow Big Thaw, and street trees are a critical element for a livable urban environment.  Are you one of those people that includes a link on your Facebook page every time Pittsburgh gets voted ‘most livable city’ (possibly including the comment ‘suck it, Portland’)?  Well street trees are a huge part of reducing our City’s pollution* and there is still a long way to go in improving our air quality.  Who knows?  Your $10 just might end up helping to promote Pittsburgh to most livable city in the world!

For more information on Pittsburgh’s urban forest, info on street tree plantings in your neighborhood, and to learn about becoming an official tree tender to help care for Pittsburgh’s trees visit the Tree Pittsburgh’s website!

RSVP for breakfast on Facebook!

*Leaves filter the air we breathe by removing dust and other particulates. Leaves absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the air such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide.  In exchange, trees give off vital oxygen.

Soup for You at the Empty Bowls Dinner

Empty Bowl Project (Saline, Michigan)

Image by cseeman via Flickr

Sunday, March 6 is the 16th annual Empty Bowls dinner to benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.  This is a simple meal of bread and soup.  Tickets are $20 per person but that includes a bowl that has been handmade by local artists and volunteers.  (I think we made bowls in my high school ceramics class for the very first empty bowls dinner).

Last year over 1500 people turned out for the annual dinner – read more about the 2010 empty bowls dinner here in the Post-Gazette and here in Pittsburgh Magazine – this article includes lots of great photos of the bowls too.


Empty Bowls Dinner
Sunday, March 6. 2011
Rodef Shalom, 4905 Fifth Ave in Oakland

Purchase tickets online here.

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Blues for Food 2011

I would make some joke about this being a great cure for the winter blues – but since it is spring like weater outside – I will spare you the bad jokes and get to the point.

6.5 hours of live blues music and it is all for a good cause.

The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank knows that 12 months is along time to wait for the next annual blues fest which is held during the summer.  So they bring you a little mid winter break of blues.

$10 gets you in the door – all of the money goes to the food bank and you can spend sunday afternoon listening to Eugene and the Nightcrawlers


The Jimmy Alder Blues Band


and here is a clip of the Mark DeMeno Band from Blues for Food 2010


Blues for Food 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Domenico;’s Restaurant – Cranberry
Tickets: $10, kids are free

Not enough blues for you – then check out the Blues Society of Western PA for more upcoming blues events.

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