Category Archives: Intl PGH

Pittsburgh Cares about Darfur!

I was at the Save Darfur rally in Washington DC yesterday. Aside from the awesome speakers, something caught my eye. A sign rise from the crowd & brought a nostalgic tear to my eye….of course being ever so unprepared, I was without a camera. Much to my surprise that little sign made it into today’s Washington Post Online – (it’s in a audio photo gallery and the only way I could save it was by doing a printscreen so sorry for the lack of clarity!) Go Pittsburgh! and thanks for coming down to show your support.


Ed note: A group of about 300 Pittsburghers went to DC for the rally through Pittsburgh Darfur Emergency Coalition:

An impressive coalition of regional organizations is helping to collect postcards to send to our leaders to take action in the Sudan. Organizations are listed below. If you would like to get involved, please contact David Rosenberg.
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Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Main (Oakland)


The Oakland Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is cool as sh*t. We know this.

Here are just five reasons why:

1. They have an amazing array of events from Dance Dance Revolution to Storytime in Spanish.

2. It is open until 8pm from Monday through Thursday! (Closes 5:30pm on Saturday and 5pm on Sunday.)

3. There is a Crazy Mocha on the first floor.

4. You can rent film and audio.

5. Free wireless internet access. (New!)

Feel free to add your own.

Café Causerie

Sometimes folks complain about the lack of international flava in the ‘Burgh. But there are actually lots of opportunities to get involved in activities with an international slant.

For example, if you would like to improve your français, Café Causerie is an informal group of native and non-native French speakers that meet at Kiva Han at Forbes and S. Craig St. in Oakland every other Saturday morning.

This Saturday, April 15th, they are meeting from 11h-12h30.

Here is some information I received about the group last summer, when I started attending:

“Il y a 1 ou 2 francais, des gens qui ont etudie en france, des gens qui vont etudier en france, une femme suisse, etc. Le niveau est assez haut, mais souvent des gens avec un niveau plus bas viennent pour ecouter et ca va. Nous sommes tres gentils et peuvons parler plus lentement aussi. Et, c’est TOUJOURS bon d’avoir des nouveaux gens, alors on serait tres heureuse si tu viens!”

Bon, venez a Kiva Han ce samedi pour parler francais! Peut-être vous me verrez. Vous êtes tous bienvenue!