Category Archives: * Updates

Seattle native loves Pittsburgh

Hi all,

Due to increasing traffic because of the STILLERS VICTORY we got off track and off our bandwidth for a few days. But we’re back with more juice! Thank you for your patience.

And on that note, check out the wonderful column below, which appeared in the Seattle Times. It speaks for itself! (Thanks to a friend and native Pittsburgher – now living in England! – for sending me the article.)

Editorials & Opinion: Friday, January 27, 2006
Guest columnist

Why this Seattle native is rooting for the Steelers

By Kathy M. Newman
Special to The Times

Don’t get me wrong. I love Seattle. And I grew up with the Seahawks.

Their franchise started in 1976 when I was 10 years old. Naturally, the peak year of my devotion to the Seahawks was 1983 � the season during which the Seahawks made it to the AFC Championship.

That fall I watched every game from a chair next to my father’s hospital bed. My father, Bill Newman, died of leukemia that December at the age of 40. A few weeks later, the Seahawks lost the AFC Championship to the Oakland Raiders. I abandoned the Seahawks for grief, for college, for graduate school, and, eventually, for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

In 1997, I got my Ph.D. in American Studies and was offered my first job as an English professor at Carnegie Mellon University. I was excited to be offered a job in a real city with hills, rivers, unions, history, bricks, brains and bridges. Pittsburgh, I thought, is what Seattle will be in 100 years if it’s lucky. Seattle, with its Microsoft billions, is like Pittsburgh 100 years ago, with its Carnegie/Fricke/Mellon/Scaife millions.
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Cute as a button/Panic Buttons .net

They’re here – we have just recieved our first order of 1″ buttons from our friends at Panic (Pittsburgh based button makers – of course!) and they are cute as a button. Keep an eye out for them around da burgh. If you would like your own I heart PGH button just send us a dollar or two via paypal – and we will send some over to you.

If you need some buttons for your group (which of course you do) definitly check out – and support a Pittsburgh loving business.

what is PGH without sports

We have just corrected a small oversight on our part and we now have a category for “sports” – Sports are one part of what makes Pittsburgh a great city – and we aren’t saying that for a place to be a great place to live it has to have sports – One of the reasons to love sports in Pittsburgh is that sports become a major cultural force of connecting people. If you have not done so yet – you must stop by a bar during a Steeler game. A football game in Pittsburgh bring people together like no other force can. So for to truely document the best parts of Pittsburgh then we must document this city and sport. We hope you will share some of your stories about sports and Pittsburgh.

25% OFF – I heart PGH gear on SALE DEC 7&8

Dec. 7 & 8 only – all items in the I heart PGH store are on sale! Save 25%
So there is no time like the present – to buy your holiday presents!
Enter code at checkout:
HOL5 – Save $5 off purchase of $20
HOL10 – Save $10 off purchase of $40
HOL25 – Save $25 off purcahse of $100

Just in time for the sale – we have added some new items – now you can get your own I heart PGH apron!