Author Archives: photos

A very Serious Grill

A very arious grill, originally uploaded by IheartPGH.

I am at the “Duke of Ribs” competition at the Union Project to sample some of Pittsburgh’s finest bbqed meats. I wanted to share a picture of this grill. This grill is hand crafted out of a prototype nuclear waste storage container on an old boat trailer. The chef wanted me to mention that the nuclear waste container was never used for nuclear waste – just BBQ. When Bridget and Charlie are not bbqing on their intergalactic grill they are avid beer brewers.

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Friday Morning Live – DVE rocks for Children's Hospital

DVE rocks for childrens, originally uploaded by IheartPGH.

I am here at children’s hospital for my weekly update about I heart PGH on DVE.   This is the first ever DVE rocks for Children’s Radioathon.  WDVE is broadcasting live from Children’s Hospital in Oakland to help raise money to support the great and important services that Children’s provides. There is a great group of volunteers here answering the phones and you can help support this great cause by  calling 412-692-8900 or visit to make a donation.

Happy Labor Day from the Pittsburgh Labor Day Parade

You may or may not know the Pittsburgh has one of the largest labor day parades in the country. This is one great celebration that is worth stopping by to see before your head out to bbq. This labor day parade is a great way to show off the city and Pittsburgh’s labor history. I even happened upon a press conference with Joe Biden just outside of the William Penn hotel as I was walking over to the parade route (see picture at .
The weather for the parade is perfect. I think this is a great way to celebrate the end of a summer in Pittsburgh.