Author Archives: Mark

We’ve Got the Look

If you want to know what Pittsburgh looks like, look no further than the Flickr group in Pittsburgh. The Flickr group in Pittsburgh has within a year taken an on-line activity to the streets. Over 350 members have posted more than 3,000 photos chronicling the people and places of Pittsburgh.

Photos vary from the pedestrian (in the very best sense of the word), to the sublime, to the fantastic. One Pittsburgh flickrite, Daniel Weeks, specializes in kite photography.

For the past few months, the Pittsburgh Flickr group has held regular gallery showings (which can get rather wound up, considering the behavior some people resort to when in front of or behind a camera). But even the more sedate, can have a good tiime at the Exposure shows. Additional activities include group visits to and from other cities, photowalks in various neighborhoods — one will take place on the South Side this weekend — and an effort to rescue and find homes for stray dogs.

The next Exposure will take place Friday, April 28, 7-10 p.m., at the z:lounge, 2108 Carson Street.

Shown below are two flickrites at the last Exposure held at the Garfield Artworks on April 7.