PGHMadness – The 2011 IheartPGH Bracket Challenge

UPDATE – I know there has been some issues with being able to sign up for the pool.

1. Register at CBSSports –

2. Then go to the IheartPGH group –

Here is what CBSsports reccomends:

Yes, the system will require each member to have his/her own unique and password in order to access your pool. Make sure they create IDs before accessing the invitation link and using the pool password
Here is a link to the registration page:


You have until Noon on Thursday to enter your bracket.  Once again we are putting together a NCAA bracket competition.  We are using the CBS sports bracket manager.  It is pretty easy to set up an account and enter your bracket.

IheartPGH Bracket Challenge Website:

Pool Password: iheartpgh


Detailed Sign Up Instructions:

1.  Visit

If you already have a CBS account login. If not click the register link.

2. Once you are logged in.  You will need to enter the pool password.  The pool password is: iheartpgh.

3. Fill out your bracket

4. Watch basketball and discuss.  Feel free to leave comments here on the blog or on twitter use the hashtag #pghmadness

Are any other Pittsburgh blogs putting together a bracket challenge this year?

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7 thoughts on “PGHMadness – The 2011 IheartPGH Bracket Challenge

  1. Matt

    It's not working for me. It says I don't have access to the pool. My CBS account is malt661. Invite me!

  2. Tom Fodi

    trying to sign up but it is giving me an error message saying I need an invitation from the league commissioner to join. Any thoughts?

    1. iheartpghcom Post author

      Sorry about that. I emailed CBS sports. They suggest making sure you are registered at CBS sports first . Let me know if that works. Here is what they had to say:

      Yes, the system will require each member to have his/her own unique and password in order to access your pool. Make sure they create IDs before accessing the invitation link and using the pool password
      Here is a link to the registration page:

  3. Tom Fodi

    yup, I have a CBS Sports account. It comes up saying "You logged in as fodita (my username), which does not have access to this league." There is no place for me to enter the group password to be granted access.

  4. Tom Fodi

    here is the only thing I see on my screen copied and pasted verbatim…

    This is a private fantasy league. You are logged in with userid 'fodita', which does not have access to this league. If you think this is wrong, please contact the league commissioner and ask for an invite.
    To log in as another user, click here.

    1. iheartpghcom Post author

      Sorry about that. Don't know what the issue is. I just sent you an invite via email. That should work.

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