These are the crappy camera phone pictures I took at New American Music Union (AE promises video from the concert will be posted 8/12/08) on the Southside this weekend. I’ll be posting better pics along with a picture of the (un)official NAMU Jump Rope Champion 7th grader Isaac who made it to 178 revolutions – soon. (click on the pics to see full-size) Jump rope history: On Friday night the Roots inspired my boyfriend Ryder to start jump rope dancing with a piece of rope he found by the exit. Soon he was surrounded by a group of cheering concert-goers. Our friend Matt grabbed the other end and soon people were jumping in – all in time to the music. A group of dedicated jump ropers developed, including Bruce and his friends. This pretty much lasted all night and continued the next night during Bob Dylan who was a little less danceable. Apparently jumping rope is a great way to make friends!
I was there and saw the jump ropers! That was awesome!
Maya – thanks for posting the pictures. I didn't get to attend the concert and I was happy to see a post about it. Looking forward to seeing more pictures.