Monday Open, Closed Canceled #snOMGpgh

Image by Funky Dung via Flickr

Thought it might be helpful to start another thread to share what is open, closed and canceled for Monday, February 8, 2010.

I was out very early to drive someone to the airport for a 7 am flight – even with 4 wheel drive – it was very difficult.  The city streets are very snow covered and very messy.  I would not recommend driving to anyone – 2 wheel drive cars are getting stuck everywhere.  Buses are running but not on schedule.

Here is what we know about for today.  Leave comments with others – I will try to update the list as we go.


  • Voluto Coffee is open til 4pm


  • City and County offices
  • Pittsburgh Public school – and I think it is safe to assume all schools are closed today
  • Enrico’s Tazzo D’Oro – closed



13 responses to “Monday Open, Closed Canceled #snOMGpgh”

  1. Marylou Kunkle Avatar

    Glam salon in Shadyside is closed until tomorrow.

  2. Kate Avatar

    Whole Foods – Open, Most stores at the Waterfront – Open, Chatham University – Closed.

  3. elizabehperry Avatar

    Pittsburgh Public Schools closed on Tuesday as well.

  4. Marylou Kunkle Avatar

    Glam salon in Shadyside is closed until tomorrow.

  5. Kate Avatar

    Whole Foods – Open, Most stores at the Waterfront – Open, Chatham University – Closed.

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      Thanks for the update! Is Chatham open on Tue?

  6. elizabethperry Avatar

    Pittsburgh Public Schools closed on Tuesday as well.

  7. thetony Avatar

    According to Michelle Wright's twit (Channel 4 Action News) “University of Pitt closed tomorrow. Cal U closed thru Friday.”

  8. Scott at East End Avatar

    East End Brewing is back open on Tuesday, just in time to release our Chocolate Covered Cherry Stout for Valentines Day (week).

  9. thetony Avatar

    According to Michelle Wright’s twit (Channel 4 Action News) “University of Pitt closed tomorrow. Cal U closed thru Friday.”

  10. Scott at East End Avatar

    East End Brewing is back open on Tuesday, just in time to release our Chocolate Covered Cherry Stout for Valentines Day (week).

  11. IheartPGH Avatar

    Thanks for the update! Is Chatham open on Tue?

  12. […] East End Brewing – just in time to release our Chocolate Covered Cherry Stout for Valentines Day (week) […]