Tag: snow

  • Ways to Enjoy Winter this Weekend (Radio Round Up)

    Ways to Enjoy Winter this Weekend (Radio Round Up)

    Well, the  snow has finally arrived in Pittsburgh! Here is a round up of the events we shared on the DVE morning show today.  And don’t forget the Snow Shovel Riding Championships we talked about last week were rescheduled for Sat. Jan 21.

    Seth Meyers @ The Byham

    • Friday, January 20, 2012, 8pm @ The Byham
    • Saturday, January 21, 2012 @Consol Energy Center
    • Free admission and parking
    • First game starts at 2pm
    • Corportate hockey teams will compete to raise money for Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation and the United Way
    • 21st Annual Festival
    • Sat & Sun @ the Ligonier Diamond
    • Food, kids activities, sidewalks sales and more
    • 6 carvers will create, 40+ sculptures
    Selwyn traces its origins to nearby Kiandra, w...
    Image via Wikipedia
    Fun in the Snow
    • Venture Outdoors has snowshoe events and hikes for all ages and abilities – check out their calender here (sign up by 5pm Fri.)
    • Moraine Winterfest – Chili Cook Off, Hikes, Snow shoeing and more
    • Lots of great deals on meals in Pittsburgh
    • Specials include tasting menus for $20-$30/person
    • now featuring pie on Friday and Saturday Nights
    • Waffle Brunch on Sat and Sun mornings
    • Project is an actual waffle shop run by Carnegie Mellon students at the corner of Baum and Highland in East Liberty
    • Sunday, January 22, 2012
    • 6-8pm @ tHe Brew House
    • $10 gets you a bowl of soup, some bread and a ballot
    • The audience votes for their favorite project and the winning project receives the funds collected at the door from that evening.
    • Facebook Event – http://www.facebook.com/events/345127508832468/
  • Beaver County Snow Shovel Riding Championship

    Beaver County Snow Shovel Riding Championship

    UPDATE: the Snow Shovel Riding is postponded to Saturday, January 21, 2012.

    I sure hope it snows this week so that they don’t have to cancel this event. Yes, it is the 46th Annual Snow Shovel Riding event.

    Photo from VisitBeaverCounty.com

    Beaver Country Snow Shovel Riding Championships
    Saturday, January 14, 2012
    High Noon
    Old Economy Park, just off Route 989 in Economy Borough

    If there isn’t enough snow the event will be rescheduled for February.

    You can read about last years competition here.

  • If we thaw out… What is happening this weekend?

    Lots of people walking on walnut street - you have to walk in... on Twitpic
    Just got a comment on the calendar page asking if there is anything to do in Pittsburgh on Saturday, February 13.  So I thought I would just start a post and let anyone share suggestions and ideas in the comments and via twitter. If you include the link to this post in your tweet – your tweet will also show up below the comments.

  • Getting Ready for Round 2…Tue. Open, Closed, Canceled List

    Just wanted to create a place on the web to share information about what is closed and still open due to weather.  We are still digging out from the 20+ inches of snow from the weekend and now more snow will be arriving on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Tuesday cancellations have already started. Here is what we know is open, closed or canceled for Tueseday, February 9, 2010.  Please add other open/closed/canceled announcements to the comments below – we will try to update the post during the day too.

    The roads are still extremely dangerous – if you do not have to drive – please stay home.  Be extra careful if you are out walking in the streets and move far away from cars when they come down the road – the cars are sliding all over the place and drivers could easily slide in to you.  Share road condition info: A Google Group has been created to share information about Pittsburgh road conditions – http://groups.google.com/group/pittsburgh-roads

    ======Snow Emergency Contact Info======
    From the City of Pittsburgh website – If it is an emergency or you are not sure if it is an emergency CALL 911.  For any other help the city 311 lines are now open 24 hours a day.  The National Guard is available to assist – if you need help – need to get to medical care, medications, heat issues or anything else – CALL 311.

    Visit http://www.pittsburghpa.gov/ for updates and additional information.


    TUE Open

    • East End Brewingjust in time to release our Chocolate Covered Cherry Stout for Valentines Day (week)

    TUE Closed

    TUE Canceled

    Wednesday and Beyond

  • Monday Open, Closed Canceled #snOMGpgh

    Image by Funky Dung via Flickr

    Thought it might be helpful to start another thread to share what is open, closed and canceled for Monday, February 8, 2010.

    I was out very early to drive someone to the airport for a 7 am flight – even with 4 wheel drive – it was very difficult.  The city streets are very snow covered and very messy.  I would not recommend driving to anyone – 2 wheel drive cars are getting stuck everywhere.  Buses are running but not on schedule.

    Here is what we know about for today.  Leave comments with others – I will try to update the list as we go.


    • Voluto Coffee is open til 4pm


    • City and County offices
    • Pittsburgh Public school – and I think it is safe to assume all schools are closed today
    • Enrico’s Tazzo D’Oro – closed
