Funny Theater: Second City does Iron City

I know I mentioned this back in December but this performance tops my list of things to do in January. Second City is a famous and funny comedy troupe from Chicago. They have prepared a very special, very funny performance to celebrate Pittsburgh’s 250 birthday – Three Rivers Run Through It.

The Post-Gazette has a nice article on their performance here. The folks from Second City spent some time (72 hours here) last year to get the Pittsburgh experience for their show.

“It’s kinda a unique thing we’re doing,” Furman said. “I’m not sure if it’s been done before. To go out and visit a city and create a show specifically for it — it says a lot about Pittsburgh pride. It’s a nice celebration for the city.”

Second City will be at the Public Theater Jan 8 – 13. For tickets call Becky at 412.316.1600.


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