Christmas Tree Recycling in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County


christmas tree recycling dropoff 3
christmas tree recycling dropoff 3 (Photo credit: sdminor81)

I saw the details for this pop-up on the city channel (Comcast Channel 13) and I thought I’d re-post the details here.  Check out this post for details on curbside and drop-off recycling in the city of Pittsburgh.

Christmas trees that are placed on the curb will NOT be recycled.  If you want to have your tree recycled you can drop it off at one of the following locations:

  • City Recycling Drop Off Locations
    • 2nd Division P.W. (East End) – on North Dallas Avenue at Hamilton Avenue: 412-665-3609
    • 3rd Division P.W. (Hazelwood) – on Melanchton Avenue, off 5200 block of 2nd Avenue: 412-422-6524
    • 5th Division P.W. (West End) – at 1330 Hassler Street, off of Hershel and Steuben (next to Herschel Park): 412-937-3054
    • Environmental Services Lot (Strip District) – at 3001 Railroad Street (next to Old City Tow Pound Location): 412-255-2773
  • Allegehny County Parks (through January 18, 2014)
    • Boyce Park:  parking lot by the wave pool
    • Deer Lakes:  parking lot by Veterans Shelter
    • Harrison Hills:  parking lot at intersection of Chipmunk and Cottontail Drive
    • Hartwood Acres:  parking lot at the mansion
    • North Park:  parking lot at the swimming pool
    • Round Hill:  parking lot between Meadow and Alfalfa Shelters
    • Settler’s Cabin:  parking lot by the wave pool
    • South Park:  parking lot at the swimming pool
    • White Oak:  parking lot by Poplar Shelter
Photo Credit: Oakmont Verona Patch

The borough of Verona takes a slightly different approach to Christmas Tree disposal and hosts an annual tree burning.  Residents drop off their trees and on January 17th there is a party and a tree burning at Railroad Park (located next to the Borough building) at 7pm.

Recycling Other Christmas Trimmings

The Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents blog has put together a very helpful post on on tree recycling and provided some great info on how to recycle other Christmas gear.

  • eLoop, which has locations all over Western Pennsylvania,  will recycle Christmas and holiday lights.
  •  The Appliance Warehouse on Bingham Street will recycle styrofoam packing.

Information for this post compiled from City of Pittsburgh, WESA, Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents and Greener Pittsburgh

According to this article, NYC offers curbside recycling of Christmas trees.  Maybe this is something that Pittsburgh can offer in the future.