Tag: what makes pittsburgh pittsburgh

  • Donate Bikes and Mr. Kraynik will fix them for Kids

    Kraynick's on Penn AveImage by lemonad via FlickrI have been fascinated by this bike shop ever since I read about this project last year in the Post-Gazette (click here to see the 2007 article). I wasn’t even sure that shop was still in business but ever since I read the article I keep seeing people wearing Kraynick’s Bike T-shirts (Where can I get one?).

    Well Bike Pgh just posted an article from the Post-Gazette – the Bike Before Christmas project is back for another holiday season. This is a project that is coordinated by the City of Pittsburgh Police and Jerry Kraynick. This is the 4th year of the program – last year Mr. Kraynick with the help of some volunteers tuned up 230 bikes which were distributed to kids for Christmas.

    You can help by donating bikes to:

    Kraynick’s Bikes, 5300 Penn Ave or any of the City’s Police Stations

    • Zone 1, 1501 Brighton Road, North Side
    • Zone 2, 2000 Centre Ave., Hill District
    • Zone 3, 18th and Mary Streets,
    • South Side
    • Zone 4, 5858 Northumberland St., Squirrel Hill
    • Zone 5, Penn Circle West at Broad Street, East Liberty.

    Check out this awesome panorama photo of the bike shop that the Post-Gazette put together. Here is a write up on the shop in Dirt Rag magazine.

    I enjoyed reading more about this bike shop – here is what some other bloggers that wrote about Kraynick’s:

    • Maintain – compares a NYC shop to Kraynick’s
    • Breathing Dirt – Mr. Kraynick helped him build a bike to ride in the MS150
    • Null Space – Chris Briem cites this article as “What Makes Pittsburgh Pittsburgh”
    • SF Cyclotouring – “my all-time favorite shop in the whole wide world”
    • Everything Nathan – Mr. Kraynick helped build Nathan’s bike

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