Tag: Super Bowl XLV

  • A Beer-Partisan Situation Needs Your Help: Send East End beer to the White House

    A Beer-Partisan Situation Needs Your Help: Send East End beer to the White House

    help send East End Brewing beer to the Whitehouse for the SuperbowlThere is an important Pittsburgh and Steelers related effort that needs your help!  This is a matter of Pittsburgh pride.  It seems that the White House has placed an order from a Wisconsin brewery for the super bowl, but not from Pittsburgh.

    From the East End Brewing email – I could summarize for you but then you would miss the beer puns – so I will just paste in their works…

    It seems that during a recent visit to Wisconsin, The Whitehouse placed a beer order from fellow Craft Brewer, Hinterland Brewing Company in Wisconsin, so that they could have some Green Bay beer on hand for the Superbowl. Simple enough, but maybe you can already see that this act by itself, is not exactly a “beer-partisan” move. Since Friday of last week, we’re working to help correct that.

    So help send some Pittsburgh beer – brewed right here in the city limits – to the White House.  Join the East End to DC Facebook page here – http://www.facebook.com/EastEndtoDC

    You can also help to spread the word on twitter – use the hash tag #EastEndtoDC

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  • Find the Myster Man – Win Super Bowl Tickets – Starts TODAY!

    Find the Myster Man – Win Super Bowl Tickets – Starts TODAY!

    Before we get to today’s clues – in case you missed our post earlier this week – VisitDallas.com is holding a contest here in Pittsburgh.  They have a mystery man walking the streets.  Follow the clues – which will be posted here on IheartPGH (and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more hints) – find the mystery man, ask him the secret question and you win 2 Superbowl tickets.  All of the details are available here.

    If you are posting about this on your blog or twitter please use the hashtag #sbhuntpgh – so we can follow along.  If you want to see all tweets with this hashtag – http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23sbhuntpgh

    Friday’s Clues

    • 11am – The Mystery Man will be checking out the T

    • 2pm – The Mystery Man will be exploring Pittsburgh’s Cultural District

    • 4pm – The Mystery Man will be checking out Heinz Field

    The other Pittsburgh blogs that have the same clues are – PSAMP (which is short for Pittsburgh Sports and Mini Ponies – one of our favorite blogs because, yes, they also post photos of mini ponies), Behind the Steel Curtain and SteelersGAB.  We all have the same clues but you should check out their blog posts and twitter feeds too.

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  • Find the Mystery Man + You Could Be Headed to Dallas to Watch the Super Bowl

    Find the Mystery Man + You Could Be Headed to Dallas to Watch the Super Bowl

    Yes, you read that correctly – you have a chance to win tickets to the Super Bowl and a trip to Dallas.  The folks at Visit Dallas have put together a nifty little contest to give away Super Bowl tickets and a trip to attend the game.

    But you have to find the mystery man first…
