Tag: salt-of-the-earth

  • Two New BBQ Places in the Burgh

    Two New BBQ Places in the Burgh

    Meat lovers rejoice! Not one, but TWO new BBQ places have opened in Pittsburgh.

    Kevin Sousa, who opened Salt of the Earth last year and Station Street Hot Dogs a few weeks ago – officially opened Union Pig & Chicken this eve.  Union Pig & Chicken is Located on Highland Avenue a few blocks from the intersection of Highland and Penn.  There is indoor seating, the menu is available online at www.UnionPGH.com.  They offer a selection of meats, sides, whiskey & burbon cocktails and beer from East End brewing.

    Union Pig and Chicken  on Urbanspoon

    Thanks to a loyal reader we learned that YinzBurghBBQ opened recently on Baum Blvd. (it is across the street from the GetGo on Baum and Morewood). While there isn’t much available on the website www.YinzBurghBBQ.com, I drove past this evening and the place was packed.  It looks like it is mostly take out with one or two tables.

    YinzBurgh BBQ on Urbanspoon

  • Food N'at – Some delicious things happening in the Pittsburgh dining scene

    Knife and Fork
    Image by nickwheeleroz via Flickr

    There are some delicious things happening in the Pittsburgh dining scene…

    E2 is now open for dinner. The folks from Enrico Biscotti opened E2 last spring.  Located on Bryan Avenue in Highland Park – E2 was just serving brunch. They have now expanded to offer dinner on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.  E2 is BYOB.

    E2 on Urbanspoon


  • Knitting, Posters and A New Restaurant – Some Links for September 14th

    Here are some links/articles/blog posts that are worth a look:

    Black and Gold for Knitters too – Yes, here in Pittsburgh – no one is immune from the disease know as Black and Gold Fever – even in places where you might not think sports fans dwell – like a knitting shop! Check out the new display from Natural Stitches – located on Penn Ave in the Trader Joe’s plaza – they have a wall of black and gold yarn – just in time for football season. We are eager to see what kinds of things are knit out of that yarn. (Photo – Natural Stitches Blog)

    Tugboat Printshop: DIY SHOW POSTER! – Check out this great posted that Tugboat Printshop created for the Society of Contemporary Craft’s newest exhibit – “DIY A Revolution in Handicrafts” – I have seen these posters hanging up around town and I hope I can pick up one for my walls at home. Tugboat Printshop is located in Lawrenceville but their works can be found around the country and they even have some pillow designs in Urban Outfitters. (Photo – Tugboat Printshop Blog)

    Salt Of The Earth
    Image by thebristolkid via Flickr

    New Place to Eat and Drink in Pittsburgh – Salt of the Earth – Now Open – Salt of the Earth a new restaurant from Kevin Sousa opened on Monday night. It has been really interesting to follow the set up of the new space on Penn Ave – they have done a great job sharing photos and stories on their blog, twitter and Facebook – looking forward to visiting soon.

  • Links Worth a Look – April 7th

    Here are some links/articles/blog posts that are worth a look:

    • Restaurant Review: Soba – Pittsburgh Magazine – April 2010 – Pittsburgh, PA – Another positive review for a great Pittsburgh restaurant – Soba. Pittsburgh Magazine has an new review of Soba including info about the chef and new menu items.
    • Salt of the Earth – Chef Kevin Sousa will be opening a new restaurant "Salt of the Earth" on Penn ave this summer – he has been posting some update on the restaurants blog about how things are coming together.
    • Salt Themed – Earth Day Dinner at the Cafe at the Frick – A few years ago I discovered sea salt (thank you to costco for including the sea salt with the pepper mill) and so this salt themed dinner caught my eye. On Thurs., April 22, chef Seth Bailey and his staff at The Café at the Frick will host the restaurant's first-ever Earth Day Dinner, which will feature a tasting menu of four courses and dessert based on the theme "Salt of the Earth." Check out some of the interesting items on the menu
    • Banff Ticket Giveaway! : Venture Outdoors – The Banff Mountain film festival is coming to Pittsburgh April 9+10 – Venture Outdoors is giving away tickets daily on Twitter! Check out this blog post for details.
    • Buena Vista Coffee: A tasty touch of Hollywood in the Mexican War Streets – Nice little article from Pop City about Buena Vista Coffee – the former Beleza Coffee shop has been re-opened with a new name and a new look. The shop was used in the filming of the movie "Love and Other Drugs" – in the movie Ann Hathaway works in a coffee shop.
    • Public=Online | The Public Square Project – Last week the Sunlight Foundation – a national organization focused on increasing government transparency – kicked off their new campaign "Public Equals Online" with a panel discussion at the Google offices in Washington DC. The panel included Ryan Hopkins, from Pittsburgh, who is the founder of the Public Square Project – a local effort to building an online hub of information about Pittsburgh government and public policy.

    Follow IheartPGH on Twitter – we share more links there almost daily!