- Image by mrdestructicity via Flickr
- Saturday, February 6, 2010, Noon-5pm at The Union Project
- Over 50 vendors with gifts and more for you favorite valentine
- Casino Night to benefit Western PA Humane Society
- Saturday, February 6, 2010
- RARE Opportunity to check out the PAPA – Professional and Amateur Pinball Association Headquarters located in Scott Township – home to over 400 pinball machines
Bring Your Own Meat is back for the Super Bowl
- Watch the Super Bowl on the big screen at AVA – 126 S. Highland Ave
- They will be rolling out the grill for all your meat (and vegetables)
Vote GTECH in Pepsi’s Refresh Everything
- Pittsburgh non-profit GTECH is in the running for $50,000 dollars
- GTECH = Growth Through Energy Community & Health
- GTECH helps communities creat jobs and cleaning up vacant lands by growing sunflowers
- VOTE everyday at http://www.refresheverything.com/gtech