Tag: poetry

  • Four Things To Do This Week

    Four Things To Do This Week

    This week: Oscar season kicks off and one of the best musicals of all time visits Pittsburgh!


    Steel City Poetry Slam
    Tuesday, ~9:30p, $5
    Shadow Lounge, Shadyside

    The Steel City Poetry Slam is held on the third Tuesday of every month at the Shadow Lounge on Baum Blvd. Sign up sheet goes out usually between 9:15 and 9:30pm, and the slam starts shortly thereafter.

    More info: https://www.facebook.com/steelcityslam


    Pittsburgh Job Fair
    Monday, 11a
    Holiday Inn, North Hills

    All job seekers are encouraged to network, submit resumes and connect with hiring managers from some of the area’s top local employers.


    Les Miserables
    Tuesday 1/15 Sunday 1/27
    Benedum Center For The Performing Arts

    Based on Victor Hugo’s classic 1862 French novel, this stage musical has touched lives around the world with the powerful story of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his life-long struggle for redemption during the French Revolution. See the musical behind the movie that’s nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, among other awards.

    Tickets: http://trustarts.culturaldistrict.org/production/32852/les-miserables#tab=buy_tickets


    Manor At Midnight: Oscar Classics
    Every Saturday through 2/23
    The Manor, Squirrel Hill

    My favorite local theater is showing classic Oscar films, leading up to the big event every Saturday at midnight. This week: the beautiful One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

    More info: http://www.manorpgh.com/img/ManoratMIdnightOscar.pdf

  • A Matter of Public Record – History, Mystery and an iPhone App

    Pittsburgh in 1902
    Image via Wikipedia

    Something about this summer- super great collaborative projects abound. First there was the  illustration ale a partnership between East End Brewing and the Toonseum.  Then Barebones Productions brought Killer Joe to the stage with Joe Grushekcy accompaniment.  Public Record is a collaboration between Pittsburgh writer and artist Justin Hopper, tech company DeepLocal and publishers Encyclopedia Destructia to bring some of the mystery and history of Pittsburgh to life on the streets of downtown Pittsburgh. (more…)

  • Jazz and Poetry at Bottlebrush Gallery – Friday, March 19

    bottlebrushWhile I know we mostly blog about Pittsburgh things – we are also happy to support some of the great communities that are with in a reasonable drive of Pittsburgh.  The Bottlebrush Gallery is one of those places.  Located in historic Harmony, Pa – which is about a 20 minute drive north of Pittsburgh on 79N.  The founders of Bottlebrush Gallery have transformed this old antique shop into a great place to find local arts of all kinds.

    The first floor of the building houses a shop with art and handmade items of all shapes, sizes and prices.  There is also a separate gallery space – currently showing the works of Luke Homitsky until April 11, 2010. (more…)