Tag: Non-profit organization

  • Book ‘Em Needs Your Books & Paper Bags

    Book ‘Em Needs Your Books & Paper Bags

    Letter to Book 'Em. Photo Credit: Book 'Em Facebook Page.
    Letter to Book ‘Em. Photo Credit: Book ‘Em Facebook Page. Click here to read the text of the letter.

    Attention book lovers! Book ‘Em is a Pittsburgh non-profit that needs your help to send books to prisoners in Pennsylvania.

    I spent a few hours yesterday in the basement of a building on Penn Avenue yesterday with a group of volunteers who were picking out books and packing them up to be sent to prisoners across the state.  I had no idea that the basement below the Thomas Merton Center was set up as a little book-shop by mail.  If you love browsing book stores and picking out books then this is the volunteer opportunity for you! Prisoners from across the state can write in and request books. Some requests are specific, most are for general categories of books. I love browsing bookstores, but I have promised myself I will not buy any new books until I’ve read the ever growing pile of books in my house. Fulfilling each request was a challenge of browsing the Book ‘Em bookshelves and make a best guess at what each person might like to read.

    Here are a few things that I learned about Book ‘Em this weekend:

    • Many of the requests that I filled yesterday were for educational books. If you have books to donate please check the list of requested books here.
    • Book’Em’s biggest need is money to cover the cost of shipping books. If you want to help with the cause, please consider sending a few dollars to Book ‘Em via the donation page here.
    • Paper Bags! Book ‘Em wants your empty paper bags. Instead of throwing out paper grocery bags, please donate them to Book ‘Em to be used for wrapping up books to be mailed.
    • Volunteer! Volunteers are needed to help pick out books and pack them for shipping. You can see a calendar of volunteer days here.

    Books and paper bags can be dropped off at the Thomas Merton Center, 5129 Penn Ave, Monday through Friday from 10 to 4 and during our Sunday work sessions.

    If you would like to learn more, follow Book ‘Em on Facebook here or in this 2013 Post-Gazette article about Book ‘Em: “Book ‘Em shipments brighten Pennsylvania inmates’ lives.

  • Reverse Keg Ride 2011 Includes Costume Contest for Best PGH Costume!

    Reverse Keg Ride 2011 Includes Costume Contest for Best PGH Costume!

    Keg Ride '10-22
    Image by robjdlc via Flickr

    For those of you looking for a way to celebrate Halloween while getting some exercise – think of it as canceling out the candy – or you really love bicycles and beer – this is the event for you. Its time for the annual Reverse Keg Ride.

    What is a Reverse Keg Ride?

    A few years ago, End End Brewing decided that the best way to get the first keg of Pedal Pale Ale to the bar was by bike.  And thus the keg ride was born. And each year a few more people decided to come along for the ride.  This spring over 400 people joined the ride to deliver the first keg AND raise money for some local charities.

    Since the keg rides have been so popular, in 2009 it was decided that the way to end the pedaling season was with a reverse keg ride back to the brewery – another chance to raise some money, drink some beer and take a bike ride through Pittsburgh with a few hundred people.

    Keg Ride, but its Halloween Weekend?

    Yes, it is! So the bicycle beer loving folks are holding a costumer contest – and it is a good one. Prizes will be awarded for Best Beer-themed Costume, Best Pittsburgh-themed Costume and Best Overall Costume,

    How does this work?

    Well, talk about another great example of a Pittsburgh collaboration.  East End Brewing is working with the folks at Venture Outdoors to make sure this is a well organized and safe event.  East End Brewing knows beer.  And Venture Outdoors are experts in organizing large groups of people to do fun things outside.

    Reverse Keg Ride Details

    • Saturday, October 29th. Rain or shine.
    • Breakfast and Check-in at 9:00am
    • Depart at 10:00, arrive at 11:00-11:30am
    • Cost: $15 for pre-registration (on-line), $20 for Day-of-ride registration. This is a charitable contribution that goes to support “Advisory Board on Autism and Related Disorders” (aka ABOARD), a non-profit agency, providing a lifeline of support for families and individuals with autism.
    • What you get:  a continental breakfast, morning coffee, a fun day of riding your bike in a big group… and this year’s very first SNOW MELT WINTER ALE fresh from the brewery.
    • Get all the details and warnings about hills here.  Ready to register – you can do that here.
  • Day of Giving – VOTE for Your Favorite Non-profit

    UPDATE 10/13: We just made a donation on PittsburghGives.org to BikePGH – which received over 40% of the votes!  Thanks to everyone who voted.  ALSO – wanted to clarify that the match is a prorated share of the total $500,000 – not a dollar for dollar match – a change from last year.  This is still a great way to help your favorite organization boost their fundraising.  Donations will be accepted until midnight on October 13, 2010.


    For the second year in a row – the Pittsburgh Foundation is organizing the Day of Giving – on October 13, 2010 the Pittsburgh Foundation will match all donations of $25 or more that are made on their website.  This year there are $500,000 in matching funds available.

    The donation period lasts from Midnight to Midnight – get your credit cards ready because the matching funds last year went quickly.  This is a great way to easily double your  contribution to your favorite Pittsburgh non-profit.

    2010 Day of Giving from The Pittsburgh Foundation on Vimeo.


  • Social Media Share – How Do You Use Social Media for Your Business/Blog/Organization/Non-profit?

    It's 420 on 420
    Image by biblicone via Flickr

    Tomorrow I will be a panelist for one of the sessions at the Pittsburgh Craft Collective’s  The Business of Craft workshop.I am sitting here at my computer putting together some links and ideas on how I use social media – blogs, facebook, twitter – for IheartPGH and some of the other projects I manage for work.  I thought it might be interesting to have a conversation here in the comments about how other Pittsburgh groups, businesses, blogs, non-profits are using online tools.  (more…)

  • Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose head to Firehouse Lounge this Weekend

    Its time for another fantastic party from the folks behind Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose – every other month they get together to host a party at a local watering hole and the proceeds from the evening benefit an area non-profit. I stopped by the last Party for a Purpose back in February at Hough’s in Greenfield. I have to say Hough’s was really great (and our post inspired FoodBurgh to stop by for a full review – FoodBurgh has some great posts and it is great to see they are posting their updates on UrbanSpoon too!)

    The next Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose is Friday May 14, 2009 at the Firehouse in the Strip District – all of the proceeds benefit the Homeless Children’s Education Fund.

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