Tag: maxo vanka

  • Pittsburgh is Art Day of Giving – Vote for Your Favorite Arts Organization

    Last fall we posted about the Pittsburgh Foundation Day of Giving.  This is where the Pittsburgh Foundation put up $500,000 in matching funds to go to the organizations that received donations on the day of giving.

    We had a great response to our poll on which organization to support and donated money to Bike Pittsburgh.  Wednesday, May 11, 2011 is the Pittsburgh is Art Day of Giving – $475,000 in matching funds will go to local arts organizations.

    Here is the find print on the Pittsburgh Is Art Day of Giving:

    You may begin making contributions, through www.pittsburghgives.org on May 11, 2011 at 12:00 a.m. EST.

    You may give up to $10,000 per individual organization.  $15 is the minimum gift per organization.

    Visa and Mastercard credit card contributions are the only types of gifts accepted for this challenge.  The credit card processor charges a 2.9% fee per transaction.  The Pittsburgh Foundation does not receive any fees.

    The matching pool is pro-rated so that all organizations that receive contributions during the event get a share of the pool.  For example, if, at the end of the day, $1 million is raised against a $475,000 pool, the match will be .47 on the dollar.  This is not a $1-to-$1 match.  The exact match percentage will be released when the event is closed and reconciled.

    Here are some awesome Pittsburgh organizations you might want to consider supporting on Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

    • The Waffle Shop/Conflict Kitchen (make sure to click this link and follow their instructions) – Both the Waffle Shop and Conflict Kitchen  have been a great addition to East Liberty – part waffle shop, part internet talk show – this is a great space where anyone from highschool students to Carnegie Mellon Professors can be found snacking on waffles.  Conflict Kitchen has received press coverage from around the globe.
    • Steeltown Entertainment Project – I had the good fortune to check out the directors pitch session for this years Steeltown Film Factory competition.  The Steeltown Entertainment Project is one of the most interesting things I have attended this year – it is also exciting to see a project that is working to connect Pittsburghers in Hollywood to up and coming filmmakers in Pittsburgh.
    • The Studio for Creative Inquiry at CMU (again, follow the instructions you need to note the Studio in the memo section) – this is an awesome place – run by Golan Levin – who has continued to produce great projects here in Pittsburgh and beyond and who often calls me to brainstorm ways that we can promote perogis.  The Studio for Creative Inquiry is also working on the super cool High Point Park project – you can learn more about that here.
    • Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Maxo Vanka – these murals are maybe one of the most amazing historical artifacts in Pittsburgh.  Amazing murals with historical and cultural significance on the walls of a church.  This organization is definitely worthy of your contribution.

    Who should we support?

    As with the previous Day of Giving – IheartPGH will make a $50 contribution to the organization that recieves the most votes by 4pm – Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

    [polldaddy poll=”5036096″]

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  • Polish Hill, Vintage Scooters, Industial Murals – Round Up – April 30, 2010

    Betcha' Dupa Your Leaving Polish Hill
    Image by IheartPGH via Flickr
    • Saturdays and Sundays in May
    • 7 days a week starting June 1
    • June 5th – Paddle at the Point – help break the world record for most canoes and kayaks on the water – more info at PaddleathePoint.com
    • hosted by Polish Hill Civic Association
    • Saturday, May 1, 2010 11am-1pm
    • Take a walk through polish hill and learn about the history of the neighborhood
    • Taking photos of this sign led to a stop by the police last year – read the original post here.
    Maxo Vanka Murals

    Nuns and Steelworkers
    Image by SchultzLabs via Flickr
    • Saturday and Sunday
    • St. Nicholas Church in Millvale
    • Between 1937 and 1941 Vanka painted 22 murals on the interior of the church – while the murals are religious they also include lots of images of industrial Pittsburgh
    • More info is available at vankamurals.org