Tuesday 7p
ToonSeum, Cultural District
Based on the groundbreaking cartoon series, this 1988 animated Japanese film is set in an obsessively detailed version of a post-apocalyptic Japan.
More info: http://www.toonseum.org/
Obscure Game Night
Wednesday 9p
Hambone’s, Lawrenceville
Not much on the website, but it looks as if it’s a night dedicated to weird and obscure board games. Sounds ridiculously fun.
More info: http://www.barsmart.com/bars/events.cfm?evnt=2A987CA4-A612-8638-C3FCEB69BDE5D8DD&id=990
Thursday 6p-9p
Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, North Side
Create keepsake items, feast on local artisan foods & specialty cocktails, more. Ages 21+.
More info: http://www.pghcitypaper.com/pittsburgh/makenight/Event?oid=1610569
Gojira with Devin Townsend and The Atlas Moth
Saturday 8p
Mr. Smalls, Millvale
If you’re at all into metal, this is an awesome lineup. That’s a lot of musicianship for one evening.
More info/tickets: http://www.mrsmalls.com/NewPHP/home.php?section=events
Pulp Fiction
Saturday Midnight
Manor Theatre, Squirrel Hill
Tarantino’s classic 1994 film shown in all its glory on the silver screen. If you’re like me, you were too young to see it when it was new.
More info: http://www.manorpgh.com/img/ManoratMIdnightOscar.pdf
Arcade Comedy Theater Grand Opening
Friday, Feb 15 8p
Cultural District
I’m a week early on this one, but let’s support our newest comedy club. Their mission statement: “Arcade Comedy Theater provides an interactive platform for players of all levels, both onstage and off, to experience various forms of theatrical comedy, from proven standards to offbeat styles.”
More info: http://arcadecomedytheater.com/
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