Tag: Engadget

  • I still call it the "Tech Fair" – Spring Carnival at Carnegie Mellon and Goldfish

    I cannot believe that I have been blogging about PGH for over 3 years and I have not published a word about the tech fair.  One of the must do events of the spring when I was a kid was to attend the Tech Fair – year later when I was working at Carnegie Mellon for the summer – I was confused when everyone kept talking about this Spring Carnival – apparently it is called Spring Carnival by students today – but I am sure many other people refer to this annual event as the Tech Fair.  Each year we would go to the Tech Fair and participate in the carnival games that were set up by the students – which are some spectacularly amazing carnival games and one of the fraternities would be giving away goldfish to the winner.  It was then a competition among my school mates to see whose fish lived the longest.  My sister had a fish that lasted for many years and might still be alive today if we hadn’t forgot to have someone feed it when we when on vacation.

    Here are a few of the reasons why you should stop by the Tech Fair/Spring Carnival this weekend

    • FREE concert with the New Pornagrpahers on Friday, April 17, 2009 at 8pm
    • Game Booths – these are some of the top design and engineering students in the country – these carnival games are really creative works of art and fun for adults and kids to play
      • Here is a picture of a nintendo themed booth from the 2007 Spring Carnival (Photo Credit: Daveynin).  The 2007 Nintendo fun house was even profiled on Engadget.
      • Click here to see more pictures of past booths
    • Buggy Races – another aspect of spring carnival are the buggy races – students build and race aerodynamic carts around the neighborhood
    • Funnel Cakes -they have funnel cakes and other carnival food too

    Want to watch some carnival action from your desk?  Check out this page which features live feeds from 3 different webcams on campus.

    More reading:

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