Tag: Community Human Services Corporation

  • CHS Gift Project Party @ Houghs – Will YOU Help Us Reach Our Goal?

    CHS Gift Project Party @ Houghs – Will YOU Help Us Reach Our Goal?

    CHS-2014-cookies-circleUPDATE: If we raise all $5000 by 8pm 12/11/2014 – I’ll buy your first beer at Hough’s tonight. Get the details here

    Today, Thursday December 11, 2014 is the party for the CHS Holiday Gift Project at Houghs.  I am not yet ready to celebrate because we have only raised 20% of the $5000 needed for 2014.  While I look forward to drinking a beer with you this evening, I’m more interested in making sure we turn that 20% into 100%!

    Click here to donate $10 to the 2014 CHS Holiday Gift Project 

    CHS Holiday Gift By The Numbers

    In 2013 – 74 people donated to the CHS Holiday Gift Project on Crowdrise.  This year, I have a personal goal of doubling that number because I would like to use this as an opportunity to share information about CHS with more Pittsburghers.

    As of 10 am, 34 people have donated and we have raised $1100.

    Three Reasons Why I am Supporting the 2014 CHS Holiday Gift Project

    I am supporting the CHS Holiday Gift Project again this year because…

    • Mental illness needs to be talked about … I think that mental illness is a real issue in Pittsburgh and cross the country, and that CHS is doing some very important work to help improve the lives of Pittsburghers who are struggling with mental illness.
    • No one should be alone on Christmas… The CHS Holiday Gift Project provides some holiday cheer for some people that would not be receiving anything this holiday season.  Most holiday gift projects provide gifts for kids and seniors.  CHS works with people of all ages – the CHS Holiday Gift Project was started because many of the people that CHS works with were left out of Christmas cheer.
    • Tweet for good… This is a great opportunity to engage the readers of IheartPGH and the entire Pittsburgh social media community for a good cause.

    Click here to donate $10 to the 2014 CHS Holiday Gift Project 

    If you would like to help….

    • Donate $10 TODAY
    • Invite 5 Friends to donate $10 (you can even create a fundraising team)
    • Share this blog post with your followers on Twitter
    Will YOU help @IheartPGH raise $$$ for #CHxmaS? Donate $10 TODAY

    Click To Tweet

    The other reason I love the CHS Holiday Gift Project is that it is a chance for local bloggers to work together to create more good in the Pittsburgh community.  I am so impressed with my fellow bloggers who have supported this in years past and the new bloggers that have stepped up for the first time this year.

    Check out how local bloggers are working together to raise $5000 for Community Human Services, a Pittsburgh non-profit that works on issues of homelessness and mental illness in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. You can support the CHS Holiday Gift Project by donating online HERE


  • 12 Giveaways of Pgh – #5-8 – Beer, Books, Bags and Kayaks

    12 Giveaways of Pgh – #5-8 – Beer, Books, Bags and Kayaks

    Welcome to day 2 of the 12 Giveaways of Pittsburgh!  We’re giving away 12 Pittsburgh gifts for you to give to your favorite Pittsburgher or to keep for yourself.


    To enter – we ask that you help save Christmas for some folks served by a local nonprofit.  Please help support the Community Human Services Holiday Gift Project.  (We’ve helped raise funds for this each holiday season and we are currently only at HALF what we raised last year.

    Before I share today’s giveaways – I just wanted to share a quick fact about the CHS Food Pantry, this is one of the many reasons that I am supporting this organization this holiday season.

    In Sep 2012 – the CHS food pantry served 366 people, in Nov. 2013 – they served 1001 people. That is over a 200% increase in need right here in Pittsburgh.

    Here are the next 4 items we’re giving away (you can still enter to win items 1-4 here.)

    #5. 2 tickets for a Grains to Glass Tour of East End Brewing ($50 value) – this is one of the best ways to spend an afternoon in Pittsburgh.

    #6. 2 1-hour passes to Kayak Pittsburgh ($30 value) – one of the best ways to spend a summer afternoon in Pittsburgh is on the river

    #7. A $25 Gift Certificate to East End Book Exchange – yes! There are still independent book stores in Pittsburgh.  East End Book Exchange is located in Bloomfield and carries new and used books.

    #8. Tiny Clutch no. 5 from Moopbeautifully bags that are loved all over the world, but made by hand right here in Pittsburgh.

    Enter to win one of these via the Rafflecopter widget below!  If you want to just contribute to CHS you can do that here.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway