Tag: Chris Ivey

  • Facebook Live with filmmaker Chris Ivey who has been documenting East Liberty for over a decade

    Facebook Live with filmmaker Chris Ivey who has been documenting East Liberty for over a decade

    The East Liberty Presbyterian Church tower
    The East Liberty Presbyterian Church tower (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Somewhere around 2005 or 2006 I was sitting in the Shadow Lounge a coffee shop, bar, event space that was located at the corner of Highland Avenue and Baum Boulevard. The space was most recently the Livermore and is currently undergoing an update and will be reopened by the folks who own Independent Brewing and Hidden Harbor.

    I can’t remember why I was there that evening, I think it was a week night. But I remember that Chris Ivey walked in and was eager to show off some of his most recent footage he had shot in East Liberty.  I have a clear picture of sitting there in the blue room, a room painted blue with a large projector on the wall, watching this footage and feeling stunned about how much I didn’t know about this neighborhood. I had spent most of my life less than a mile away from East Liberty, but my Pittsburgh experience could not have been more different.  I think of this evening every time I hear about a screening of East of Liberty.  Looking back this is probably one of the points that where I realized that thereis an importance of storytelling and story sharing.

    East Liberty is a neighborhood that has changed many times in its history. Chris Ivey has been documenting the most recent changes for his documentary film East of Liberty.

    Facebook Live with Pittsburgh Filmmaker Chris Ivey

    PublicSource, an investigative news website that writes stories about Pittsburgh and Western PA (I have contributed to PublicSource and continue to work with them on researching stories), will be interviewing Chris Ivey on Facebook Live on Wednesday.  If you are interested in East Liberty, neighborhoods, urban planning and how people in Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods are impacted by development, this should be an interesting discussion.

    RSVP for the Facebook live here.  If you have a question you want to ask Ivey, leave a comment during the interview or send it to jeff@publicsource.org ahead of time.

    PublicSource Facebook Live with Chris Ivey

    Recent PublicSource stories about East Liberty

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  • Saturday Night's Alright – Even More Things To Do This Weekend

    Sharon Jones And The Dap Kings
    Image by misternaxal via Flickr

    When putting together this weeks radio Round Up – I reached out to friends of IheartPGH on Facebook and Twitter and got a ton of responses – here are some more great events for this weekend

    Sharon Jones and Dap Kings (Facebook Link)


  • East of Liberty Part 2

    Chris Ivey is an film maker who works on documentarys around the world, but calls Pittsburgh home.  Chris has been working on capturing the story of East Liberty for a few years now.  I was luck enough to catch a glimpse of some of the raw footage a year or so ago when Chris happened to bring his laptop into the Shadow Lounge.  There has been a lot of talk about East Liberty lately, especially with the new development there.  East of Liberty is a look at the stories of East Liberty and the neighbors that don’t often make the news.

    Chapter 2 “The Fear of US” is a follow up to the first documentary that opened last year.  Part 1 has recieved much attention and was screened in London in May of 2007.

    Watch the tailer for East of Liberty Part 2 here.

    East of Liberty Website:  EastofLiberty.com
    Chris Ivey’s Website:  hyperboymedia.com

    Read the Pittsburgh Dish’s  post on “East of Liberty” here.
