Tag: Catholic Church

  • Pittsburgh Fish Fry Season is Here!

    Pittsburgh Fish Fry Season is Here!

    Today is the day! The first Friday of lent kicks of 40 days of fish fry Fridays.  The Friday fish fry is an annual church fundraiser. During the 40 days of Lent, many Catholics give up meat on Friday and so churches offer a fish dinner (sometimes a fish lunch).  Even if you aren’t Catholic or if church isn’t your thing, all are welcome to dine at the fish fries.   I think it is fair to say that the fish fry has developed a cult following of Pittsburghers searching for the best fried fish, fried side and pierogi that a church basement can offer. Over the past few years we’ve seen some non-church related fish fry events pop-up around town.

    Important Resources for Finding Fish Fry Events in Pittsburgh


    The Pittsburgh Fish Fry Bracket

    It’s a very Pittsburgh approach to March Madness. The Incline is running a Pittsburgh Fish Fry bracket for folks to vote for their favorite fish fry establishments.  Submit your voters for Round 1 by 10 am on Monday, March 6, 2017.

    UPDATE: The Final Four in the Ultimate Fish Fry Bracket

    The Incline’s Ultimate Fish Fry Bracket has been narrowed down to the final four locations. Check out one (or more) of these four and cast your vote for who will move to the final round.

    • Corpus Christi Parish, 803 Market St. (McKeesport)
    • Holy Angels Parish, 408 Baldwin Road (Hays)
    • St. Alphonsus, 201 Church Road (Wexford)
    • St. Joan of Arc Church, 6470 Library Road (South Park)

    Click here to cast your vote for the best fish fry in Pittsburgh.

    More Fish Fry Events

    Friday, March 24 – Cod for Pittsburgh @ St. Maximilian Kolbe Church Hall

    Join the Code for Pittsburgh team (the brains behind the amazing Pittsburgh Fish Fry Map) for a meetup at the St. Maximilian Kolbe Church Hall. Here is a little bit of history about the church from the Code for Pittsburgh MeetUp page:

    St. Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish friar who was martyred in Auschwitz after harboring Jews in his monastery, as well as a harboring a seditious printing press. He was canonized in 1982.

    This parish, in West Homestead was formed as the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in 1992, merging six previous parishes. St. Maximilian Kolbe Church became so in 2009, prior to which it was St. Anne.

    The fish fry is famed as one of the region’s classics. It’s potato haluski is a well-known treat.

    St. Max Kolbe is open from 10AM to 7PM on the 24th. We’ll aim to meet up at 4.

    Saturday, April 15 – Keep Pittsburgh Fishy @ Spirit

    • Keep Pittsburgh Fishy is an annual secular fish fry benefiting local progressive organizations.  This year proceeds will benefit New Voices Pittsburgh, a local organization dedicated to the health and well-being of Black women and girls through leadership development, Human Rights and Reproductive Justice.
    • $10 Menu includes:
      • Classic spiced cornmeal-crusted FISH SANDWICH on a hearty bun with a tasty Sriracha mayo “tartar” sauce – OR – a vegan sun dried tomato hummus/pickled carrots/arugula sandwich prepared by 52nd Street Market.
      • Coleslaw (vegan!), prepared by Apteka.
      • Macaroni & cheese (vegetarian!), prepared by The Vandal
    • Additional item which can be pruchased: Plus, for a few bucks more…
      • Desserts provided by Ben Houck
      • Drinks both alcoholic and non from Spirit’s fully-stocked bar (don’t forget your ID!)


    Share your fishy fry fan photos with the #PGHFishFry hashtag.
