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WARNING: If you are a vegetarian you might want to skip this post – it is 100% about bacon.
IheartPGH owes alot to bacon, we didn’t really think much of this blog and only a handful of our friends read this little website – and four years ago that was a pretty small group of people that were willing to read a blog. But then we posted about Bacon Night (TGIB – Bacon Night 11/18/2005)at the Harris Grill and somehow the Post-Gazette found that post and mentioned this humble little blog in the paper and things started to change.
So I have noticed that bacon is kind of a big deal for many of our readers so here is an event for the bacon lovers.
The Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour, Saturday, September 26, 11:00 – 4:00, Harris Grill – $30 gets you 5 hours of bacon goodness. You can even purchase a signed copy of the book Bacon: A Love Story: A Salty Survey of Everybody’s Favorite Meat. A must read for the bacon enthusiast. (more…)