Tag: barebones produc

  • A. B. C. Always Be Closing – Glengarry Glen Ross @ New Hazlett Theater


    My apologies to the folks at Barebones Productions for not writing about this sooner – I have been looking forward to this play for a few months.  In college I read and reread this play for two, if not three different classes.  And as I have worked in more jobs and visited more real estate delevopments I continue to think of some of the lines from Glengarry Glen Ross.

    You still have 2 more chances to see Barebone’s Productions Glengarry Glen Ross at the New Hazlett Theater on the North Side.

    Saturday, November 28, 2009 – 8pm
    Sunday, November 29, 2009 – 2pm

    Check out some of the reviews:

    • Trib Live: “Artistic director Patrick Jordan stages a play only when he has something to say and a play he loves.”
    • Pittsburgh City Paper: “The production looks great, from the garish Chinese restaurant of the first act to the ramshackle office of the second act. (Gotta love the obviously fake wood paneling that just screams “sleaze.”)”
    • More from Trib Live

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