Tag: bacon bash

  • For those serious about bacon…

    For those serious about bacon…

    Peppered flavor Bacon Salt. Photo taken at the...
    Image via Wikipedia

    If you are not serious about bacon, if you are a vegetarian, if you are vegan or you don’t eat meat – then you should probably stop reading right here.  The rest of this post is about bacon, lots of bacon.

    This Saturday, September 17 – is the 2011 Bacon Bash.  Pittsburgh is home to one of the most established bacon bloggers in all of the land of bacon bloggers – Mr. Baconpants – he is serious about bacon.  I was honored to have the opportunity to sample some burgers with Mr. Baconpants and Bacon Knight earlier this summer (thanks to the folks at Chevy/GM northeast for organizing the bloggers burger event). I know very little about bacon and Mr. Baconpants helped bring me up to speed on the bacon basics.

    Mr. Baconpants will be teaming up with the weekly bacon night hosts – The Harris Grill for a festival of bacon known as the Bacon Bash.  [IheartPGH Fun Fact – We <3 the Harris Grill – one of our first posts about bacon night at the Harris Grill led to our first mention in the Post-Gazette back in 2005, that was then they blogs were called web logs].

    Mr. Baconpants Presents Bacon Bash 2011

    When: Saturday, September 17, 2011 12:00 pm – 3:00 PM

    Where: Harris Grill
    5747 Ellsworth Avenue
    Pittsburgh, PA 15232
    (412) 362-5273

    Tickets: $35 per person

    Details here: http://www.mrbaconpants.com/mr-baconpants-presents-bacon-bash-2011/

    Buy your tickets at: http://baconbash.eventbrite.com/

    Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182299265168073

    Still not convinced – check out the recap of Bacon Bash 2010 here.

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