Random Acts of Pittsburgh Kindness

Here are a few links and websites I wanted to share because Pittsburghers are nice people and a few clicks or dollars can go along way.

First, I want to start by linking to this post on BikePGH – R.I.P. William Thomas, kid’s bike mechanic extraordinaire – this is a really nice post about a really nice Pittsburgher who donated his time to fixing bikes for kids.

Just Vote to Help a Greenburg Family win a $10,000 Family Room Makeover

I have posted about this on twitter but I wanted to give one last link for this one. Today, July 31 is the last day to vote for Megan B. at the Nestle Family Dream Room Makeover Contest. One great family from Greensburg has made it to the final round!! So take a moment to visit and vote for Megan B. Greensburg PA.


Kiva Fellowship: From Pittsburgh to the Phillipines (with a few stops in between)

One of the blogs that I have recently stumbled across from an email exchange about the upcoming Netroot Nation is The Causemopolitain – which is a great blog about Sloane’s Kiva fellowship in the Phillipines. Yes, that Kiva, the micro lending site that Oprah has talked about where you can support small businesses from around the globe. Sloane is originally from Pittsburgh – and we actually went to grade school together way back when.  If you have any interest in social entrepreneurship and the Kiva process – you should definitely check out The Causemopolitain.

You can help with Sloane’s Kiva Fellowship by making a contribution

Mexico Mission Trip

I have been following the blog With love from Pittsburgh for awhile now – with a name like that how could I not follow along.   Laura wrote a nice post last week about her boyfriends mission trip to Mexico – I was about to head back and make a donation but it looks like he has successfully completed his fundraising for the trip.  Laura – please leave a comment if there are other things people can do to help!

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2 responses to “Random Acts of Pittsburgh Kindness”

  1. Laura Avatar

    a BIG thank you for giving my blog post a shout-out! yes, i agree that pittsburghers are some of the kindest, most generous people out there. it's like we're a big family, and when one of our family members is in need, we help out, no questions asked. we take care of each other. we're protective of one another. those are just some of the reasons i hope to make pittsburgh my life's home. the people make my heart smile. every.single.day.

    as for your request to leave a comment if there are other things people can do to help out with the ross-a-tron's mission trip: yes, there are. ross informed me that even though he raised enough money to make the trip, donations are still being accepted and will be sent down to mexico city and the small town of ahuatitla, where he and members of The Open Door (right on Stanton and Negley) will be doing their work. if anyone would like to contribute, i know that ross and the people of mexico would be so thankful. here's a link to the donation page:

    pittsburghers are amazing. no doubt.

    thanks again and keep up the good work! yay for pittsburghers!! xoxo!

    with love from pittsburgh…

  2. Sloane Avatar

    Thanks for the mention and I'm so happy we're reconnected now. Small world! It's the part I love most about social media, connecting with people from way back and seeing what they're doing. I love your blog. Let's get together in Pittsburgh this fall when I'm back!