Those Asphalt Tiles Downtown

You know those asphalt tiles along Smithfield Avenue in downtown Pittsburgh? These ones?


Ever wonder who did that? And how they’re made?

Well, we can’t answer the first question. But we can answer the second!

Some DIY folks have posted a neat little article with their story of how they stumbled across the Pittsburgh tiles, how the artist made them, and how you can too. (Originally from Recipies for Disaster: the anarchists cookbook.)

And it’s one of the most popular articles on the site.

pittsburgh candle company

located just outside city limits is a successful woman-owned business called the pittsburgh candle company. susan miller manufactures and sells 100% soy-based candles at her west view shop.

so, for those people that you don’t know what to get for them for the holidays and were going to buy the generic candle anyway, please consider making a trip to west view for a locally-made soy candle from a locally-woman-owned business.

Do some holiday holiday shopping at APARTMENT

On the second floor of 1113 E. Carson Street is APARTMENT – an independent clothing store featuringZETO clothing and the artwork of Brian Holderman. Brian and Nami have set up a really great store – it is like shopping in your living room, but it is their living room. Be sure to sign up for their email list so that you get updates about art openings. If you can’t make it over to APARTMENT you can buy ZETO clothing from the website
For more info on Brian Holderman’s art check out –

Measure 4 Measure

A Carnegie Mellon Arts Management student just sent me a rave review for the Pittsburgh production of Measure for Measure at the Public Theater:

It’s the Globe Theatre’s production. It is, in no uncertain terms, exquisite. If you have any love for theatre go. Find some money, find some time – go. I don’t like Measure for Measure and I loved it. You will regret it if you miss it. Mark Rylance, the artistic director who plays the duke, is probably the best actor I’ve ever seen (I’ve worked in theatre for almost a decade – I’ve seen lots of shows in New York and a bunch of shows in London.) He’s leaving the company after this tour.

They’re only in Pittsburgh through the 18th. Go go go. Ticket information can be found at

You can read the full review here.



So. Before you go you go curling or see Mamaspell this Saturday, Dec. 10, you need to check out the first annual Pittsburgh SANTARCHY. This Santastic event has been held everywhere from Tokyo to San Francisco. The evidence at left is from McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Good Lord, I never thought I’d see the day where Pittsburgh was playing catch-up to Antarctica on a cultural trend. But anyway. We got it, finally.

From the organizer’s post at craigslist:

What is it? Santarchy is a nonpolitical, non-religious, not-for-profit (i.e. free), demented Santa Claus convention — a mass gathering of Santa Clauses that will spread a little disruptive, holiday cheer to everyone we encounter. It’s part pub crawl, part culture jam, and part prank.

Meeting place: Southside, Beehive Coffee House, corner of 14th and Carson.
When: 3:00 p.m., this Saturday
Until: ??? (But plan on a long day.)

The itinerary will be kept secret until the actual day, but expect the following:
— It will start and end in the Southside.
— Lots of walking
— Use of public transportation system
— Visits to Station Square and Downtown.
— Pub hopping
— Lots of funny looks

This event is free and open to all Santas, however, the drinks and food along the way will not be.

In order to participate you MUST dress like Santa Clause. Here is some advice from Pittsburgh Cacophony Society:

“Santa apparel is mandatory. A Santa hat is not enough. Get a Santa suit. Make a Santa suit. Steal a Santa suit. Buy a Santa suit. If you don’t have any money, be creative. If you don’t have any creativity, slap yourself three times and ask your mom to help you. Glue cotton balls to red long johns. Make it purple. Make it pink. Already have a Santa suit? Make a spare so Santa can assimilate strangers. Past examples: pimp Santa/Santa garcia/Santa’s naughty little helper/misfit toy/elf/reindeer. Traditional suits can be bought at local party stores or ordered online for $12 and up.”

I am looking forward to the insantaty.