Regios de Acero and more

So this has been circulating and I thought I’d post a link to this video of Steeler fans all over the world.

I’m a sap – it brought tears to my eyes. The creator of the video is looking for more photos of folks with Steeler regalia in far-flung corners of the world, so please click on the link and send your photo … if you are reading from Kazakhstan, Senegal, et al. (Note to self: take Terrible Towel on all future extreme vacations.)

Also, check out Ambrose’s blog for some amazing local coverage of Steeler mania!

A Steeler Nation

I am not sure where this came from or who wrote it but it has been emailed to me 5 times and it does a darn good job of talking about Pittsburgh so I thought we should include it here for those visitors to I heart PGH that haven’t recieved it 5 times.
If you know where this came from so we can give credit where credit is due.

In the 1980’s, as the steel mills and their supporting factories shut down from Homestead to Midland, Pittsburghers, faced for the first time in their lives with the specter of unemployment, were forced to pick up their families, leave their home towns and move to more profitable parts of the country. The steel workers were not ready for this. They had planned to stay in the ‘burgh their entire lives. It was home. Everyone I know can tell the same story about how Dad, Uncle Bob or their brother-in-law packed a U-Haul and headed down to Tampa to build houses or up to Boston for an office job or out to California to star in pornographic videos. All right. Maybe that last one just happened in my family.

At this same time, during the early to mid-eighties, the Pittsburgh Steelers were at the peak of their popularity. Following the Super Bowl dynasty years, the power of the Steelers was strong. Every man, woman, boy and girl from parts of four states were Pittsburgh faithful, living and breathing day to day on the news of their favorite team. Then, as now, it seemed to be all anyone talked about. Who do you think the Steelers will take in the draft this year? Is Bradshaw done?
Can you believe they won’t give Franco the money – what’s he doing going to Seattle?

The last memories most unemployed steel workers had of their towns had a black and gold tinge. The good times remembered all seemed to revolve, somehow, around a football game. Sneaking away from your sister’s wedding reception to go downstairs to the bar and watch the game against Earl Campbell and the Oilers – going to midnight mass, still half in the bag after Pittsburgh beat Oakland – you and your grandfather, both crying at the sight of The Chief, finally holding his Vince Lombardi Trophy.
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We HEART Steeler Baby

During these weeks of Super Bowl fever we have been trying to write about some of Pittsburgh’s super Steelers fans. Earlier this week the Post-Gazette reported on some of the Steelers websites and mentioned Steeler Baby.
Last night we ran into Steeler Baby at the Brillo Box and he put on one of our new I heart PGH “buttons” (if you are one of the many people to take a picture of Steeler Baby with the I heart PGH pin please email us a copy to post to the site).
Steeler Baby
So in short the Steeler Baby website is the intersection of all that is great about Pittsburgh – a creative and hilarious display of all sorts of Steelers festivities. Make sure you click on the links for “free time” and “baby food” for 2 wonderful videos with Steeler Baby. You can even buy an I heart Steeler Baby T-shirt.

PennDOT Traffic Cameras


The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) District 11 services Allegheny, Lawrence and Beaver Counties. They have a web site that displays all the live traffic cameras in the District. They have cameras perched high above Parkways East, North, and West, and even some tunnels, bridges and Route 51.

[If you wanna see all the beautiful highways around Pittsburgh all lined up in a row – LIVE! – click here. For traffic addicts only.]

It’s helpful for checking out the traffic before your drive home — or, in the case of tomorrow’s Superbowl, making sure you can drive home.

There’s another cool service offered by PennDOT called the Road Weather Information System (RWIS) – these cameras are all around District 11 and monitor weather conditions on the roads. Click here for the RWIS link.