Join us on Sunday, July 19th to learn more about and enter the citywide #NotSoSmallChange Instagram Contest running through Aug 19. We’ll have maps, food/drinks, door prizes, special guests, etc. #NotSoSmallChange Contest Prizes:
- $300 – Top vision/photo prize
- $200 – Best Idea Captured
- $100 – Most Liked/Discussed Photo
- $$ – More Prizes tba
Take your best Instagram pictures that capture buildings, lots and other spaces that you think could be turned into something better for the neighborhood or city. Tell us how those hidden treasures might shine best. Your entries must include:
1. The location of the photo
2. #NotSoSmallChange hashtag
3. A description/vision of what you think the building, lot or space could be transformed into. Be creative! How do I enter?
Come to the Kickoff event! You’ll learn more, have your questions answered, and sign a photo release.
Here is a sample photo:
Entries are due by August 19th at 11:59PM EDT