24 Hours Of Potter, starts midnight Friday Feb. 16th
– All 8 Harry Potter films
– In order
———— TICKETS ————-
– $42 per person
– *Row House Film Club gets early access starting Noon on Wednesday, January 3rd!!! To join the Row House Film Club go to (levels start as low as $10/month)
— Optional Survival Kit—
*optional to purchase
-$20 per person
– A comfort goodie bag to keep you wide-eyed and cozy through all 24 hours! Such things as a Harry Potter sleeping mask, face wipes, Wisps, an energy bar, Emergen-C, temporary Potter tattoos, and many more surprise magical & muggle items are included!
Part of Row House’s 2-week Harry Potter Film & Cultural Festival 2018 Join Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the gang as Pittsburgh celebrates all things Harry Potter!
We start at midnight Friday and go to Saturday night at midnight (11:55pm exactly). We timed this out perfectly so you have breaks, free coffee, meal times, and Harry Potter activities to keep you going. So put on some pajamas and leave your muggle troubles back at home as we take you to the magical world of Hogwarts.
– Come to as many films as you want.
– Awards for people who complete all eight.
– Complimentary Coffee & Tea (’cause the Brits, wizard and muggle alike, love their tea).
– Free refills ALL 24 HOURSS for large popcorn and large drinks
– Lots of Dumble-door prizes, swag, trivia, and tons of Harry Potter fun throughout the day.
– Food trucks during food breaks!
12:01am – HP 1: Sorcerer’s Stone
3:00am – HP 2: Chamber of Secrets
6:10am – HP 3: Prisoner of Azkaban
breakfast break
9:30am – HP 4: Goblet of Fire
12:40pm – HP 5: Order of the Phoenix
3:30pm – HP 6: Half Blood Prince
dinner break
7:00pm – HP 7: Deathly Hallows Pt. 1
9:45pm – HP 8: Deathly Hallows Pt. 2
Part of our Harry Potter Film & Cultural Festival 2018. For a complete schedule, ticket links, and event listing, please go to