Category: Uncategorized

  • Bruegger’s Bagels … People-watching!

    So someone recently asked, “Where’s a good place to people-watch in Pittsburgh?”

    The first place that occurred to me was surprisingly, Bruegger’s Bagels at 18th and Carson in the Southside. This place is a MADHOUSE on the weekends and during lunch. I discovered this about two weeks ago when I popped in one Sunday to pick up some coffee. Wow! It seems all of the Senior Citizens within an 18-block radius FLOCK there. It’s like the old country. I sat in a plush chair to do some reading and couldn’t help but overhear a table full of Polish seniors discuss the pros and cons of various buffets on the south side of the Mon. Here is a conversations I wanted to post to Overheard in Pittsburgh, but didn’t get around to doing (sorry Chris 🙂

    Man #1: You know who has a good buffet?
    Audience: Who? What? Where?
    Man #1: The Olive Garden.
    (murmurs of agreement)
    Man #2: So where are the Olive Gardens these days?
    Man #1: Well … I’ve been to the one in Greentree, and up there near Southland in West Mifflin.
    Man #3 (wide-eyed): Wow, you’re a traveler! You really get around!

    Also, I didn’t realize the the hospital cafeteria was open to the public (well, maybe i did, but i never considered it as a lunch option.)

    i suspect they flock there because it’s less yuppie than Starbucks and definitely less eclectic than the Beehive. It’s a happy, senior medium. And it smells like BAGELS. Yum.

    Where do you people-watch in Pittsburgh?

  • Cat in the Hat

    Mayor O’Connor read a Dr. Seuss book to preschoolers on Read Across America Day.

    He also announced that he will issue these hats for all city workers.

    (We just couldn’t resist. Please send any other quirky photos to

  • pittsburgh’s great blizzard travel game

    while shopping at capo’s furniture in beaver falls recently, i came upon pittsburgh’s great blizzard travel game. produced in 1978 by c.p. marino, this game comes with a two-sided board, destination cards, weather cards, blizzard cards, cars [player pieces] and 2 dice.

    according to the rules, the point of the game is to land on each of the five “destination circles”: bank hardware, food store, work and drug store. the tricky part of the game is that if you land on a “weather” square and select a weather card that says blizzard, you have to flip the game board over from the sunny side to the blizzard side. in the midst of a blizzard, the game gets more difficult.

    the game board is labeled with major roads from the city such as penn avenue. however, that seems to be the only way that pittsburgh comes into the game.

    anyway, it’s neat to have a another vestage of the late 70s that celebrates our city.

  • Our Mayor, Sonny Crockett (with his partner Tubbs)

    Mayor Bob O’Connor is hustled across Penn Avenue shielded by his bodyguard, Officer Joseph Ryczaj, to check on his wife, Judy. [And take one for the team.]

  • Jerry’s Railroad Photo Archive – Pgh style

    You want old photos of trolleys?

    Oh man, do we got old photos of trolleys.

    Check’em aht:

    1520 (St. Louis 1944) [71 NEGLEY HIGHLAND PK]
    at 6th. & Liberty in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (April, 1966)

    1444 (St. Louis 1942) [77/54 NO. SIDE CARRICK VIA BLOOMFIELD]
    at 32nd. & Liberty in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

    1555 (St. Louis 1945) [76 HAMILTON]
    at Coal and Ramsey in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

    1621 (St. Louis 1945) [39 BROOKLINE]
    on the Smithfield St. Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

    1662 (St. Louis 1945) [42/38 MT LEBANON BEECHVIEW]
    at P&LE station in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (February, 1967)