Category: Uncategorized

  • Why Kevin Sousa’s Superior Motors Kickstarter campaign epitomizes everything we love about Pittsburgh

    Why Kevin Sousa’s Superior Motors Kickstarter campaign epitomizes everything we love about Pittsburgh

    Here’s an obvious fact: Pittsburgh’s identity was, and still is, deeply entwined with the steel industry. After all, we’re nicknamed the Steel City, which we’re reminded of whenever prime time football comes to town and floods our televisions with images of steel mills, by the numerous Pittsburgh-related projects that are given names referencing steel (for example, our own Steel of the Week), and whenever we pass through any of the formerly-thriving steel towns.

    But those of us who have lived in, worked for, and loved this city for any significant amount of time know how very much more there is to Pittsburgh. And most importantly, we recognize the enormous potential of what it still can become.

    That’s why Pittsburgh is responsible for the most-funded restaurant project on Kickstarter to date– local chef Kevin Sousa‘s Superior Motors in Braddock, Pennsylvania.

    Braddock, Pennsylvania
    Braddock, Pennsylvania. Photo from

    The story of Braddock is woeful. The once-thriving town, home of both Andrew Carnegie’s first steel mill and his first public library, was hit hard in the 1970s and ’80s by the collapse of the steel industry and a rising drug and gang problem. 90% of the population eventually fled the area and much of what once was now is simply deserted. The state of Pennsylvania has declared Braddock a “distressed municipality” since the ’80s.

    Then came “America’s coolest mayor”: John Fetterman. The dynamic and engaged mayor has received national recognition for his unwavering commitment to rebuilding and reinventing the town– and most importantly, for his faith that a better Braddock is within reach and worth fighting for.

    Photo from Braddock Redux.
    Photo from Braddock Redux.

    With an emphasis on improving the lives of the borough’s young people, Fetterman has attracted a promising creative and artistic force to Braddock. While there’s much work still to be done, testaments to his success include: the conversion of an abandoned church into the Braddock Community Center, home to the Braddock Youth Project; Braddock Farms, which grows organic produce on 10 acres of repurposed over-grown lots and is tended to by area kids; the opening of the studio UnSmoke Artspace; and much-anticipated brewery startup The Brew Gentlemen.

    Sousa’s Superior Motors hopes to bring more of that needed revitalization to Braddock. Named for the former car dealership it will occupy, the restaurant is nothing short of revolutionary. Braddock currently doesn’t have any operating restaurants and Sousa is not only looking to open one in the area, but to engage and drive the community with its operation.

    Superior Motors is aiming to strengthen Braddock through food, farming, art, and more.
    Superior Motors is aiming to strengthen Braddock through food, farming, art, and more. Photo from Superior Motors Kickstarter.

    Truly exemplifying fresh, local, and farm-to-table, most of the produce will be sourced from Braddock Farms, as well as the thousands of square feet in planned rooftop gardens and greenhouses. The nearby apiary, which provides beekeeping training to local youth, will provide honey, and local chickens will be the source of eggs for the restaurant.

    But most impressive is what Sousa plans to do for the actual community. Superior Motors will not only offer Braddock residents with substantial dining discounts but also free professional culinary training and opportunities. A hostel located next door will be used to offer no-cost housing for some employees who are selected to train and learn at the restaurant. Sousa hopes Superior Motors will feed and strengthen the current community ecosystem of local businesses, residents, and visitors.

    Farmer Marshall Hart working at Braddock Farms. Photo from the Superior Motors Kickstarter.
    Farmer Marshall Hart working at Braddock Farms. Photo from the Superior Motors Kickstarter.

    So on Sunday, with less than a day and a half left in the Superior Motors Kickstarter campaign and still $70,000 short of a goal of $250,000, anticipation grew. Was there the possibility that this innovative project, set in a town we all want to see succeed, would not be funded?

    That’s when Pittsburghers truly came together. Retweets, posts, emails, and articles. The purported power of social media, in action. “Kickstarter” was trending on Twitter in Pittsburgh, behind only “Downton Abbey” in popularity. People watched the donation figure slowly climb with the fervor of a hotly contested election. Sousa himself rightfully couldn’t sleep.

    Because of this final push by the community, Superior Motors not only reached and surpassed its goal with nearly a day to spare, but has received an additional $40,000 grant from Rob Stephany of The Heinz Endowments. Sousa emotionally thanked the nearly 2,000 supporters “for reminding [him] what an altogether inspiring place it is that [he is] lucky enough to call home.” He even admitted that we made him cry.

    Chef Sousa at the Braddock Youth Project training class at the community bread oven. Photo from the Superior Motors Kickstarter.
    Chef Sousa at the Braddock Youth Project training class at the community bread oven. Photo from the Superior Motors Kickstarter.

    When indie rock band Frightened Rabbit came to town for the Thrival Music Festival in September, they commented on how much they enjoy playing here because Pittsburghers genuinely love their city and are so proud to be a part of it. How right they were.

    We’re a tight-knit, thoughtful, and involved community that genuinely believes in bettering our city, be it through the successful and established medical and education sectors, a vibrant and innovative startup community, or the booming food and drink scene (Bon Appetit recently named Pittsburgh its “next big food town”). Even Lindsay, the creator of I heart PGH, had her cross-country train trip with the Millennial Trains Project successfully funded because of the incredible generosity of Pittsburghers.

    We all see something worthwhile in Superior Motors. Something that will better Pittsburgh and Braddock. Something else to prove that we’re more than just a former steel town. And we’re helping to make that a reality.


    The Kickstarter campaign is over but follow Kevin Sousa on Twitter for updates on Superior Motors.

  • Watch the Trailers and Vote for Your Favorite Pittsburgh Film Projects

    Watch the Trailers and Vote for Your Favorite Pittsburgh Film Projects

    While you know that some big blockbuster movies are shot in Pittsburgh, there are quite a few Pittsburghers who are working on their own film project.  The Sprout Fund has put together a special round of grants to help some of these local filmmakers finish and promote their films.

    The public is invited to watch the trailers here and vote for your favorite films.  The deadline for public voting is December 2, 2013.  (Take a minute to watch the intro video that The Sprout Fund put together for this project.  They filmed this intro at the Hollywood Theater in Dorming and it provides a nice overview of the project) (more…)
  • Tue. Nov. 5 is Election Day – Links and Resources for Voters

    Tue. Nov. 5 is Election Day – Links and Resources for Voters

    Vote (Photo credit: Vaguely Artistic)

    Tuesday, November 5, 2013 is election day.

    In Allegheny county the polls are open from 7am – 8pm.

    The November election is a General Election – you can vote for any candidate on the ballot (In the primary election only registered democrats can vote for democratic candidates and registered republicans can vote for republican candidates).

    Special Election: City Council District 7 is a special election to replace the seat vacated by Patrick Dowd.

    Photo ID is NOT required to vote, you may be asked for ID but you do not have to show your ID to vote. (more…)

  • 8 Things to Store Around Town for Pittsburgh Events

    If you’re visiting Pittsburgh for the 1st or 500th time to attend a big event, you might travel with supplies and equipment. Luckily, you can use – an online marketplace to connect with friendly neighborhood residents to store your stuff around town. Here’s a list of some of the big annual events and the stuff you can put in storage:

    1. Art – Over 10,000 visual and performing artists have presented work at the Three Rivers Arts Festival since the event started in 1960. With all of the creating, planning, and organizing, who has time to worry about tables, chairs, and finding a place to put everything? Discover a nearby garage to store your art supplies before the festival.
    2. Bikes – BikePGH organizes an annual event called BikeFest which leads up to Pedal Pittsburgh, Western PA’s Largest Bicycle Ride with around 3,000 participants. Also, the Great Allegheny Passage, a 150-mile bike trail that connects Pittsburgh to Cumberland, Md., (then joining C&O Canal Towpath to Washington D.C.), was completed earlier this summer. Find a space to store your bike and pick it up when you’re in town for a ride.
    3. Boats – Every year, over 500,000 spectators visit the Three Rivers Regatta – a boating and water sports festival held at the Point over the 4th of July. Find a space to store your boat before, after, or during the festival in a warehouse, garage, or open lot.
    4. Cars – The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix attracts more than 250,000 people to Schenley Park each year for the nation’s largest vintage sports car racing event. All proceeds from the event go to the Autism Society of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Valley School. Store your classic car in a nearby garage and get ready to race on the city streets for a good cause.
    5. Costumes – The world’s largest furry convention, Anthrocon, draws a crowd of over 5,000 people to Downtown Pittsburgh every year. Join the costume-clad community as your favorite anthropomorphic animal character or check out the Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival and journey back to the age of knights and maidens. Before you travel back to being a present day human, find a place to store your costumes.
    6. Golf Clubs – Did you know that the Oakmont Country Club has hosted more combined USGA and PGA championships than any other course in the U.S., including eight United States Opens, five U.S. Amateurs, three PGA Championships, and two U.S. Women’s Opens? Visit Pittsburgh for the upcoming 2016 U.S. Open Championship in Oakmont and keep your golf clubs in nearby storage for when you’re ready to play a round.
    7. Tailgating Equipment – Tailgating is a time-honored tradition before big a Steelers, Pirates, or Penguins game, but you’ll need to bring tailgating gear: grills, coolers, food, drinks, chairs, tables… and if you’re driving or flying in from out of town, it’s inconvenient to bring those items with you. Instead, store them in a garage near a grocery store and pick everything up on the way to the game.
    8. Giant Rubber Ducky – The Rubber Duck Project will launch the Pittsburgh International Festival of Firsts with a 40-foot-tall rubber duck in the Allegheny River from September 27 – October 20, 2013. According to this Post-Gazette article, “because of its size, the duck is constructed from scratch in the city that it’s visiting.” So if you’re a giant rubber duck artist who needs a warehouse, Spacefinity lists some spaces available for such an occassion.

    The Spacefinity team launched the online marketplace for space in August 2013. Currently, we have 65 Spacelords listing garages, warehouses, basements, spare rooms, outside lots, and even an airplane hangar in Pittsburgh. Find space or list space today at! Questions? Contact Jackie Vesci at

  • Seven Awesome in Events on Saturday September 7

    Seven Awesome in Events on Saturday September 7

    With labor day behind us and the school season in full swing it feels like the summer has come to an abrubt end.  Fortunatly, Pittsburgh is hopping this weekend with activities for all ages.  This upcoming weekend is packed full of great things that show off our fine city.  We’ve also got a code for you to save 50% on tickets for the Thrival Music Festival.  Here are 7 events happening in Pittsburgh this Saturday, which happens to be September 7th.

    1. Pittsburgh GiveCamp 2013

    • Technically this starts on Friday night and runs all weeekend.  
    • GiveCamp is a weekend workshop where developers get together to help local nonprofits with technology problems.
    • There is still time for both volunteers and nonprofits to register for GiveCamp 2013
     @PghGiveCamp givecamp-logo
     2. 14th Annual Golf Outing in support of Hosanna House at Birdsfoot

    • Mom of IheartPGH is one of the organizers of this event and sadly I wont be able to attend this year (yes bloggers can play golf too).
    • 18-Hole Scramble, Silent Auction and Buffet Dinner (non-golfers are welcome to come just for dinner)
    • All proceeds from the outing benefit Hosanna House, a multipurpose community center in Wilkinsburg
    • The “Bogeymen” are carved into the trees along the cart paths at Birdsfoot


    @HosanaHouseInc@Birdsfoot birdsfoot
    3. Thrival Festival

    • Noon-5pm Innovation Festival at Bakery Square
    • 5-10pm Music Festival featuring De la Soul, Formula 412, Frightened Rabbit and RJD2.
    • Use the coupon code IHEARTPGH to save 50% on music festival tickets
    #Thrival@ThrillMillPGH thrival-horizontal
     4. Meet TechShop Founder Jim Newton and Make Some Cool Stuff

    • TechShop will be hosting an Open House on Saturday, September 7th, from 11am – 6pm at 192 Bakery Square Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15206.
    • Let us know you can come – please RSVP on Facebook here.
    • 11:00am – 11:30am: Ribbon cutting ceremony with mayoral candidate Bill Peduto, principals Gregg Perelman and Todd Reidbord of Walnut Capital, THRIVAL organizer Bobby Zappala, and TechShop founder Jim Newton.
    • 11:30am – 6:00pm: Tours of TechShop. Meet and greet with TechShop members and staff, view member exhibitions, and meet Jim Newton.
    • Make-It Take-It workshops – specially priced classes where you’ll learn to make and take home a laser etched beer mug or custom steak branding iron.
    @TechShopPGH@TechShopJim  brands-finished
    5. A Fair in the Park

    • 2013 is the 44rd year of A Fair in the Park, an annual contemporary craft festival, presented by The Craftsmen’s Guild of Pittsburgh
    • The fair runs Friday-Sunday in Mellon Park


    6. Hometown Homegrown at Heinz History Center

    • Celebrate the region’s passion for food at the second annual Hometown-Homegrown™, a fun and flavorful food expo at the History Center presented in partnership with GoodTaste! Pittsburgh.
    • Saturday, Sept. 7, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    • Sample a delicious assortment of foods from local vendors representing the best of the Burgh’s neighborhoods and swap recipes with the region’s culinary experts. Try pierogies from a variety of Pittsburgh-based vendors and vote for “Pittsburgh’s Perfect Pierogi.” 
    @HistoryCenter  hometown-homegrown-square-heinz
    7. Pittsburgh Irish Festival

    • The 23rd Annual Pittsburgh Irish Festival, September 6, 7, and 8, 2013 at the Sandcastle Riverplex.
    • live music on four stages, traditional Irish food and beverages, dancing, an Irish marketplace, Gaelic sports, Irish dogs, a children’s craft and games area, genealogy research, and much more.
    @PittsburghIrish pittsburgh-irish-festival